School Council 2015 -2016
The School Council is made up of two representatives from each class.
Congratulations to the following children who have been elected by their class for this year:
"I want to help make the school a better place." |
"I want to represent my class and make sure that everyone in school is kind and happy to each other." |
"I want to work with others to make the school a better place." |
"I want to work with Mrs Corrigan to improve the school." |
"I want to help children learn in a safe and happy school." |
"I want to help make school a safe and happy place to be." |
"I want to help children have a great place to be." |
"I want to represent my class and pass on their ideas to improve the school." |
"I have been a School Councillor at my previous school and really enjoyed making the school a better place." |
"I want to help pupils enjoy school as much as possible." |
"I want to give the children in the school what they want from the school." |
"I want to listen to peoples views and improve anything they would like to be improved." |
15 April 2015 |
First School Council Meeting Agenda: Children were welcomed to the meeting and congratulated for being elected as class representatives. Children were given 'School Council' identity badges. Mrs Corrigan shared the aims and objectives for the school council and the children elected their Chairperson. Mrs Corrigan suggested some actions which the group could begin working on and the children agreed that their first actions would be:
At the end of the meeting Mrs Corrigan informed the children that they would be visiting London in May to have a tour of Parliament and go on the London Eye. The children were VERY excited!
22 April 2015 |
School Council Assembly The Chair Person worked closely with the other School Councillors and Mrs Corrigan to plan a whole school assembly to introduce the members and their initial work plans. They invited all of the children to participate in a 'pupil questionnaire' to enable them to analyse views and plan improvements for our school. |
April 2015 |
Pupil Questionnaire The views of our key stage 2 children have been collected to enable the school council to identify areas for development in our school which they can have a positive impact on. |
7 May 2015 |
General Election - 7th May 2015 - Educational Visit to London Today the School Councillors and Anti-Bullying Ambassadors went on a visit to London. During the day the children had a tour of Parliament, participated in a workshop about 'Elections and Voting' (electing the 'Purple People Eater Party and electing our Primary Minister) and went on the London Eye. This visit on such an important day really demonstrated the role of the Government to the children and how they are elected. A fantastic day! |
21 May 2015 |
School Council Meeting Agenda: Feedback from Pupil survey Action point: Whole school assembly to share positive feedback and areas for development (e.g How do we know how well we are doing at school? Review Behaviour Policy) Staff profiles Action point: All school councillors to use questions devised in the meeting to interview allocated members of staff Student Leadership Award Action point: All school councillors to collate ideas for each of the statements on the Bronze criteria before the next meeting |
1 June 2015 |
School Council Meeting Agenda: Staff profiles Action point: All school councillors issued with staff names. They are required to arrange an appointment to complete the interview and hand it to Mrs Corrigan by Friday. Student Leadership Award Action point: School councillors to meet on Thursday lunchtime to complete Bronze 7 evidence form which can then be used as a model to help complete more of the criteria. The aim is to achieve all ten bronze criteria before the end of the Summer term. |
8 October 2015 |
School Council Meeting Agenda: Revisit School Council action plan to discuss progress made against actions. Action point: Three outstanding actions to include: signs for field, make improvements to lunchtime arrangements, apply for SSAT leadership award Fundraising Action point: children agreed three charities to support. The first is on 23/10/15. Children will launch 'Wear it pink!' day to the school on 16/10/15 using a presentation developed by MC/EA. All children will be invited to make cakes to raise money for 'breast cancer' charity on the day. Other ideas TBC.