Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328


What Happens At Before and After School Club?

Welcome to our page that will show you what happens at our Before and After School Club, we hope you enjoy seeing what the children do in our club.

February 2025

We have been discussing what makes a good friend in After School Club and the children gave some great qualities of a friend. Some of the children also drew pictures or decorated the name of their friends:

 They have also been having lots of fun on Mario Kart on the Wii! You can see the concentration needed for playing this!

January 2025 

 The children in before and after school clubs have been having messy fun today. They've been playing with shaving foam and dinosaurs!

January 2025 

Happy new year! The children have been excited to be back at club with their friends. One of the Year 5 children asked us to take a photo of his transformer creation and share it with you all, we think he did a great job, so here it is...


December 2024

The children have been busy creating Christmas decorations for the club's walls. We are surrounded by beautiful Christmas trees and snowmen!


November 2024

We have been getting ready for Christmas at club and some of the children have been making stained-glass like decorations for their Christmas trees. 



The children had some fun with snow that was brought inside for them to play with this week! We have also bought some loom bands with a generous donation from a parent and the children have been having great fun creating necklaces and bracelets.




November 2024

During November we have created a beautiful fireworks' display and added more book covers to our 'favourite books' wall display. The children also made poppies and created Diwali lamps. 

May/June 2024

The children have been making wands, finger puppet people and toadstools that are perfect for a fairy or a gnome! We also had an amazing car made out of lego that a child found in the lego box!




April 2024


There's been lots of creativity in club.  Take a look below at the beautiful creations the children have made and one with a very important message!





March 2024

During March we have been busy crafting. The children have made some lovely cards for mother's/carer's day and some Easter wreaths to hang in their homes:




January 2024

Some of the activities the children have been doing in club this week:

They have added the sparkles to the hearts they created out of clay, played Twister, enjoyed the quiet corner with books and ipads and did some colouring in.



January 2024

Lego is a firm favourite with the children at Before and After School Club and they wanted to share some of their creations with you. The robot and jeep were created by 2 boys in year 4:


We have been crafting with clay as well. Our picture below shows some of the hearts the children have created and painted, the next step will be to add glitter or gems:


A member of staff and a Reception child have been working hard on a Frozen jigsaw puzzle too...


December 2023

One of the children noticed an amazing sight in the sky this afternoon when we were all outside. We saw what we think were 'nacreous clouds' which form high in the atmosphere when the temperature is below -78 degrees C and the light shines on the ice particles formed; they are usually seen over the polar region and rarely seen in the UK, so we were very lucky to spot one!



December 2023

 The children have been Christmas crafting. They have created a wonderful Christmas tree using our painted hands complete with baubles and presents and made some Christmassy gingerbread people too!


November 2023

This week, the children have been continuing to make their Christmas display by painting their cut out hand shapes green. We have also been sewing gingerbread hand puppets and two boys built a fantastic tower!



Below you can see some of the crafts our children have been doing in club over the past few weeks. First of all we made bonfire pictures with scrunched up tin foil which made a great fire effect. Next we have started to make our Christmas display, can you guess what we will use the cut out hand shape for? We will have to make lots and paint them green! Lastly, one of our children is very good at origami and has shown the other children how to made claws for their fingers!




July 2023

This week we have had a bug hunt. We found lots of insects under logs, hiding in the grass and on flowers and trees. We looked for butterflies, moths, worms, snails, slugs, millipedes and spiders:



Can you spot the slugs in the picture below?


June 2023

This week the children have been spending a lot more time outside and enjoying the lovely weather. Our photographs below show them playing with the sand and creating with lego. Some of the children have also made wonderful Father's Day/Carer's Day cards and there are also some photos of our starfish at the Rugby Library, Museum and Art Gallery, you can see how large the starfish was! 



May 2023

We haven't been posting on this page because we've been so busy! We've taken part in the Rugby Museum and Art Gallery event 'A Night at the Museum' and created a starfish that will be displayed at the event. We would like to thank all the parents who sent in materials for us to use, it was a great help!





 March 2023

Week beginning 27th March - the children have been creating flower cards and chocolate Easter nests and pictures of watering cans with grass and flowers. One of our children also drew an amazing football picture!:



Week beginning 13th March - We've got some super heroes and princesses in the club today! Some of the children have also made some very pretty flowers:



It's the week beginning the 27th February and the children are continuing to amaze us with their creativity! Pictures 1 and 2 show a Year 3 child's booklet that "you can stick pictures into and use the middle bit as a wallet". Picture 3 is an intriguing creation of symbols! Picture 4 shows a chess battle taking place!

Picture 1 and 2:



Picture 3 and 4:



February 2023

In the week beginning the 13 February, the children have been: playing football, colouring, creating paper models, sewing teddy bear puppets and playing with our whiteboards:





We have been having lots of creativity and fun at club during the week beginning the 6th February. One child made his own creation, it's a husky and it looks like it's growling!

As it's Valentine's Day next week the children have been decorating hearts in preparation for making a card. We used metal balls that were rolled in paint and then the children rolled the painted balls over their hearts to make patterns in the different coloured paint:



Then some of the children made cards with their decorated hearts and other materials:



We also have a new game called 'Mousetrap' that the children have enjoyed playing:


January 2023

This week (week beginning 30/1/23) we had some fun on the Ipads. The older children (Key Stage 2) are able to use the school Ipads to do their times tables and they also play a lot of maths games on a site called 'Cool Maths'.



We're happy it's starting to get lighter in the evenings now and the children have started playing outside in the Quad again. Our picture shows some of the After School Club children having fun with the sand tray:


Week beginning 24/1/23 - The start of the week was the beginning of Chinese new year, the year of the rabbit. The children made rabbit themed lamps and coloured in a rabbit picture. On the same sheet, they could also have a go at writing the word 'rabbit' in Chinese:




A Reception child had made a Chinese dragon in his lessons and decided to copy out the dragon at After School Club:



We also have had a go at making puffy paint. Some of the children helped measure out the ingredients which included flour, baking powder and salt. Unfortunately there was no measurement for water and we added a bit too much so the paint didn't puff up properly but the pictures still looked good and we have learnt what to do next time!




We were impressed with a Year 3 child's creation, he had made a 3D picture of his favourite cartoon 'The Amazing Adventures of Gumball':



We have lots to show you from the week beginning the 16th January. Two of our children enjoyed making their own books. Picture one shows a Minecraft book and picture two was made by a reception child who recounted 'The Hungry Caterpillar' story. Picture three shows the cocoon inside where the caterpillar is changing into a butterfly.

1)                    2)                       3)            


Also, this week, our children have been enjoying using Hama beads to make pictures on stencils (lots of concentration is needed!):


And the finished product...

There's also been amazing constructions made out of lego:




Today's Thursday 12th January and the children have been exploring our new dressing up clothes (thanks very much to the parents who have donated them to us!):

Dressing Up


On Tuesday 9th January we made some cloud dough; it was made with corn flour and baby lotion and feels much softer and lighter than playdough. Our pictures show the dough ingredients being measured, mixed together and played with.

Measuring the ingredients for cloud dough.                        

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