Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

School Travel


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2020 - 2022 - WInKS -  Warwickshire Inclusion Kitemarking Scheme

We are proud to announce that both our Nursery and Reception are recipients of this award.

Some early years settings and childminders in Warwickshire have achieved a Warwickshire Inclusion Kitemarking Award.

Whilst all early years providers must make reasonable adjustments to ensure they are offering inclusive provision, the WIncKS award recognises and celebrates high quality SEND provision.

Nurseries or childminders need to have a good or outstanding Ofsted rating to get a WIncKS award.

In addition, all of these providers have demonstrated excellent inclusive practice in supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families.

17/09/2015 - School Guide Certificate of Excellence

Congratulations! Eastlands Primary School has earned a​ School Guide Certificate of Excellence!

The 4 ​star certificate is the result of our dedication to academic excellence and is a great way to show parents how much we have achieved in the last year.

School Guide star ratings are based on a unique combination of official performance data published by the Department for Education and Ofsted.​ ​This information is displayed on the School Guide website as well as their partner sites Rightmove and Mumsnet.

Congratulations, and here’s to another happy and successful academic year.


13/03/2015 - Bravery Award

Today in our Friday achievement assembly, we were joined by two police officers from Rugby Police station. They came to present a very special bravery award to Sienna who helped her Mummy when she was poorly by phoning 999 and looking after her brother.  Well done Sienna, we are proud of you!

18/07/2014 - Final award of the Year 2013-2014

After the leaver’s assembly, Year 6 were presented with another award for their E-Safety work.  Kevin Daley joined us to present Year 6 with a Community Education Award. The SCC Internet Safety and Cyberbullying project award was given to them for their continued commitment to educating others about E-Safety. The judges were incredibly impressed with the children’s ability and knowledge about the subject. Pat McIntosh from SCC also donated 100 Barney and Echo E-Safety books to school for us to use. Mark Pawsey MP and Mr Mayor shared the books with the children and congratulated everyone on the award. Thank you also to The Rotary Club of Rugby Saturday Breakfast for coming to support and say goodbye to the children.

13/06/2014 - Visit from The High Sheriff of Warwickshire

This afternoon the High Sheriff of Warwickshire, Claire Hopkinson, joined us during our celebration assembly for a very special announcement. She presented the school and Year 6 with a very special award. We have been awarded a National Certificate of Commendation for our continued commitment to E-Safety . Eastlands Primary School was put forward for the award by Warwickshire Crimebeat and the High Sheriff of Warwickshire, then Keith Sachs JP. Only one other project in this region has been awarded this certificate and Crimebeat has funded over 280 projects in Warwickshire so it is a very commendable achievement. Well done!



13/06/2014 - Rotary Club of Great Britain Young Citizens Awards on the BBC.

Watch Year 6 appearing on the BBC Midlands Today, BBC News 24, talking to Konnie Huq and being interviewed by Ellie Crisell!

02/05/2014 - Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Commendation

Today in assembly we had a very special visitor, Warwickshire's Police and Crime Commissioner, Ron Ball. He came into school to present Year 6 with a commendation, the first one to ever be awarded.  The commendation is to acknowledge Year 6 for their commitment to E-Safety.  Mr Ball was so impressed with the film 'The Anti-Social Network' that he provided funding to our school so that the children could develop the theatre production 'Not Such a Sweet Tweet.'  Mr Ball was treated to a snapshot of the production and was extremely impressed.   He said 'There is no money that I have allocated to be spent that I am more pleased about than the money that was allocated to you. I think you are doing absolutely brilliant work, keep it up and keep getting the important messages across. ' 

Special Presentation from The Rotary Club of Rugby Saturday Breakfast 

Also today in assembly, Terri and Pauline from The Rotary Club of Rugby Saturday Breakfast came in to visit the children. They had a very special award to present following the Young Citizens Awards held in Birmingham at The ICC on 12th April. Pauline said ‘The comments about the children from other Rotary Clubs from all over the UK were all about how fantastic the children were. They were well behaved and they were very polite and really gave it some welly for Rugby!’ Pauline went on to say ‘Thank you so much, we are so proud of you, it was wonderful. Pauline explained that as a mark of their respect to Year 6, they have had the photograph that was taken at the awards ceremony framed alongside some of the ways the Rotarians try to live. Pauline also presented the children with a special edition Rotary hand knitted teddy bear! Thank you for this very special award.

24/02/2014 - Eastlands Awarded ESAFETYLABEL.EU for a Safer School!

Schools have a duty to provide a secure environment and safe access to online technology as part of the teaching and learning experience. The eSafety Label aims to assist schools in meeting this challenge to become a more secure, enriching environment for staff and pupils. Good online experiences go hand-in-hand with a solid School Policy and a well thought-out eSafety Action Plan. 
Although this accreditation was only launched on Safer Internet Day (February 2014) we have already been awarded the SILVER level.  We join a European group of approximately 100 schools who have been able to meet the standard for an award (there are three levels - Bronze, Silver and Gold)

25/01/2013 - Eastlands Achieve 360 Degree Safe E-Safety Mark

An assessor from Warwickshire Local Authority recently visited Eastlands Primary School to review our e-safety provision.  The Assessor met school staff, parents, Governors and pupils and was pleased to find that our school provides a high level of protection for users of the new technologies.

Warwickshire LA provides the internet connection and a range of other services to schools across the county and is in the forefront of national developments in e-safety.  To enhance these services, they have supported the use of the South West Grid for Learning online tool to help schools address e-safety issues, not least the recent changes to Ofsted inspections, which include a stronger focus on safeguarding.  The online tool allows schools to evaluate their e-safety policy and practice and then suggests how the school might do more to protect young people and staff.

To apply for the 360 degree safe e-safety mark, we had to reach a series of benchmark levels through the completion of the online self review.  The evidence was then verified by a visit from experienced Assessors.

The prime benefit of using the review and applying for the E-safety mark is that it does not focus on the individual aspects of e-safety such as technological solutions, but instead it integrates e-safety into schools policy and the curriculum, challenging teachers and managers in the school to think about their provision and its continual evolution.

We were expected to show that we have provided a high standard of e-safety education and awareness for all staff, pupils and also for parents, to ensure that these users of new technologies can be safe online - whether they are in school, in their homes or out and about using mobile phones or other handheld devices.

Sarah Fitzgerald, Assessor for the 360 degree safe e-safety mark congratulated us on our success and commented that it was reassuring to know that our school had put a lot of thought and effort into improving the online safety of the staff and pupils, by addressing these important safeguarding issues.


Summer 2012 - Eco-Schools Silver Award

Eastlands were awarded with Eco-Schools Silver status over the holidays, after a year of hard work towards becoming a greener school. Well done to the Eco Team and all that supported us! 

February 2014 update: We are almost ready to submit our application for the 'GREEN FLAG' award.





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