Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Reception Penguins 2023 - 2024

Miss Shipp, Miss Ohandjanian and Miss Brown would like to welcome you to the Reception webpage. 

Follow us on twitter @eastlandsschool for more updates and photographs of learning. Personalised updates are on Evidence Me. 

Please click the image below to view our Curriculum Year Plan. Please click the image below to view the Development Matters  guidance for what children should be able to do and know.

7th June

Congratulations to our Early Years for being awarded the Warwickshire Inclusion Kite-marking Scheme Award. Well done!


We are now continuing our learning through our topic- Jungle, with the key text being BEWARE of the CROCODILE. The children enjoyed predicting and responding to the text about how a crocodile makes them feel and writing descriptive words describing key features of a crocodile. We have also looked at a range of non-fiction books naming and describing jungle animals. In Maths we have continued using ten frames to solve subtraction problems, representing animals as cubes/counters.


This month we have been developing our learning through the topic of Space. The children have been playing in the role play area pretending to be astronauts and watching short clips of astronauts in space, fascinated by the lack of gravity! Reception immersed themselves in the story of 'Astro Girl' who wanted to be an Astronaut just like her mummy. In maths we have covered numbers to 10, learning to use a ten frame and using it to solve addition.

We looked at a range of non-fiction books about space, discussing what there is in space and the names of the planets, the children loved singing some planet songs too. We also looked at day and night, spoke about nocturnal animals and discussed the different activities we might do in the daytime and night time. 


 It's Christmasssss!


This month we have been developing our learning through the topic of transport. The children have collaborated to create their own role play bus, using their imaginations to go on journeys, some closer to home like McDonalds, and some as far as South Africa! Reception immersed themselves in the story of 'The Naughty Bus' who was extremely busy causing trouble! You can find the story and a song on YouTube if your child would like to watch it at home. In maths we have covered different types of measures; capacity, weight, length and ordering objects by their size. We then moved on to exploring 3D shapes, talking about their properties using describing language of; flat, smooth, curved, round, faces, vertices, corners and edges. We have also discussed what 'charity' means through Remembrance Day and Children in Need, raising money for both. Thank you for your support. 


In maths, we have been familiarising ourselves with numbers 0-6, ensuring Reception can count out loud, point to an object and say one number at a time without rushing, ordering the numbers starting with 0, and matching the numeral to the correct quantity. In literacy we are learning all about bears, our key texts are The Everywhere Bear (which we recognised was like our Percy Penguin) and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 

Thank you for attending our RWI phonics parent information session. A copy of the PowerPoint can be found HERE. If you would like more information you can also visit our school phonics webpage HERE.


Reception staff are so proud of how the children have settled in this week, full days and lunch times next week! Our first topic is 'All About Me'. We will be learning all about the children's interests, likes & dislikes, cultures and experiences. We will explore our individual identity, families and learning about our school values being part of the Eastlands community. We will also be looking at Penguins (our class name) with our focus key text 'Blue Penguin'!

Library day is Friday, your child will come home with a borrowed school library book, please bring it back into school the following Friday so your child can choose a new book. 

Reception PE day is Wednesday and we will be starting to get changed after October half term. Please ensure children have the correct named kit in school, PE kits will be sent home at the end of each half term to be washed. 

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