Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Reception Penguins 2024 - 2025


Miss Shipp, Mrs Birnie,  Miss Magdij and Miss Ohandjanian would like to welcome you to the Reception webpage.

Please click the image below to view our Curriculum Year Plan.

Please click the image below to view Development Matters.

Click the image below to see what is happening in our classroom each day

January 2025

Reception welcomed the return of Miss Shipp in January. 

In maths, the children have been looking at measures and have been ordering objects by size. They've been encouraged to use  language to talk about capacity and weight and explore the capacities and weights of everyday objects. Also, we have been describing and sorting 3-D shapes and using positional language accurately when describing where things are. Reception have also been securing their knowledge of numbers 1-10 and have been exploring one more and one greater within ten. We've linked our learning on the Chinese New Year to the key vocabulary associated with ordinal numbers 1st to 10th, when the children ordered the animals' end position in the race.

The children have absolutely loved our Space topic where they immersed themselves in a Now Press Ply activity and pretended to be an astronaut getting into a rocket and putting their spacesuit on. The children have thoroughly enjoyed themselves role-playing in the space station corridor area and have made their own space-related designs with lots of junk modelling. They enjoyed hearing lots of facts from non-fiction books and also loved the story Astro Girl which we linked quite a lot of our learning too. 

The children participated in a week-long Bikeability training course and thoroughly enjoyed it! They refined their gross motor skills by balancing on the bikes and co-ordinating their movements through obstacle courses whilst wearing a helmet and being safe and spatially aware of their friends around them. They all received a certificate for their achievements as they did so well. 

Fred frog sessions have continued with lots of blending of CVC words and some children are now taking home the red ditty reading books too for reading practice. We are working hard to secure our set 1 sounds to enable the children to be brave enough to read and write their own CVC and CCVC words. 

Reception have also thoroughly enjoyed our Jungle topic and loved listening to the story Monkey Puzzle. They've loved producing some fantastic art work linked to some off the animals that are found in the jungle. 

December 2024

We have been incredibly proud of how resilient Reception have been in the last few weeks of Autumn term. It's been a busy time and they've coped really well with all the changes to routine and a lot of them fighting illness too. They also put on a fantastic Christmas play too - they should be so proud of themselves. It was lovely to see them re-enacting the Nativity with the puppet theatre with their friends and at the tuff tray. 

Most children have now learnt most of the set 1 sounds and we are starting to see lots of oral blending and recognition of the initial sound in simple CVC words. The children have been writing lots more in our provision and many are now choosing to write more which is fantastic. 

We've had a few special visitors this month too - Warwick Bear and Santa! The children learnt about how to stay safe near roads and when crossing a road using the THINK approach. The children have worked really hard this term and deserve a well-earned rest now for two weeks. 

November 2024

In November, our topic in Early Years was Transport and our key text has been 'Naughty Bus.' Reception have been working really hard to try and remember their initial set 1 sounds and we are now encouraging them all the time to blend and make simple CVC words. They are practising oral blending and their letter formation daily with Fred frog.

The children have enjoyed learning all about the different types of vehicles there are and discussing which ones they have been in before.  Reception also liked drawing their own maps and, collectively, we made a class map with key showing the route the Naughty Bus went on. The children have loved making lots of train tracks and road bridges out of construction parts and re-enacting the story of the Naughty Bus. 

Alongside our transport topic, we have also taken part in activities linked to Children in Need, Diwali, Bonfire night, Remembrance day and Anti- bullying day. We have continued with our Maths Mastery lessons and have been looking at numbers within six and how to represent them. We have also been very busy practicing our Christmas songs ready for the Nativity. 

 October  2024 

Reception have started Maths Mastery sessions and been using some of the early mathematical concepts of classifying and sorting size patterns. They’ve been sorting muddles in the provision into colour groups and object groups and have been mastering this skill whilst learning the early routines of tidy up time and putting things back in the right place. Reception have also been busy recognising, describing and copying colour and size patterns. They’ve also been asked to extend colour and size patterns and spot errors in some too. They have been counting one, two and three objects reliably and recognising the numerals one, two and three too.

Fred Frog has also been visiting the children for daily phonics sessions where the children have been revisiting and learning the set 1 sounds and practising them on a whiteboard. They have been sent phonic sound worksheets home to be practised but these do not need to be returned to school.

The children have also been introduced to the concept of rolling snack and also house points which they're coping really well with. We've also been learning all about Autumn and the children have listened to the story 'Leaf Man' and the adventures he went on. They did some fantastic drawings of Leaf Man too. It's also Black History Month so we have been talking about how people should be treated fairly in society too, no matter what colour of skin they are.

We are all very proud of you Reception - it's been a busy month!

September 2024

Reception staff are so proud of how the children have settled in - in for full days now too! They are coping well with all the transitions and we are already beginning to get into a routine. Our first topic is 'All About Me'. We will be learning all about the children's interests, likes & dislikes, cultures and experiences. We will explore our individual identity, families and learning about our school values being part of the Eastlands community. We will also be looking at Penguins (our class name) with our focus key text 'Blue Penguin'!
Library day is Friday, your child will come home with a borrowed school library book, please bring it back into school the following Friday so your child can choose a new book. This will happen from the 13th September. Percy penguin will come home for the start of his adventures with somebody this Friday too! 
Reception PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday and we will be starting to get changed after October half term. Please ensure children have the correct named kit in school, PE kits will be sent home at the end of each half term to be washed.
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