Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Year 1 Polar Bears 2024 - 2025

Mrs Hopper, Miss Tuckey and Miss Hinchcliffe would like to welcome you to the Year 1 webpage. 

Please click the image below to view our Curriculum Year Plan.

Click the image below to view What children should know and be able to do when they leave Year 1'.

Zoo lab visit February 2025

As part of our Science topic 'Habitats' Year One enjoyed a visit from Claire from Zoolabs. 

We met some amazing animals including snakes, cockroaches, millipedes, snails and frogs!

She told us all about how each animal is adapted to it's habitat. We enjoyed meeting and even holding some of the animals. 

Our Class Texts

We have enjoyed reading a variety of books so far this year. Please watch the videos below to share the books at home. 

Autumn 1 - English Work

We have enjoyed creating posters, instructions and writing about the characters in our stories. Take a look at some of our work below!


Positional Language

We have been practising giving instructions using positional language. We have used to words: forward, backward, left turn and right turn to give instructions to Beebots. 

We have also described the position of the things as under, on top, next to, in front and behind. 

Can you describe the position of a toy at home?

Fire Safety Visit

We were lucky enough to have a visit from the firefighters. They talked to us about keeping our home safe and taught us how to stop, drop and roll!

16th September 2024

Thank you to all of the Parents and Carers who came to the meet and greet this afternoon.  If you were unable to come or you wish to read the presentation again, please click the image below. 

Need help logging on to Purple Mash at home? Click the image below for our step by step guide. To access AR at home, click the image below. 
If your child is off school and they are well enough to learn, please talk to the class teacher who will provide learning or direct you to the Oak National Academy and BBC Bitesize websites. Click on the image to access.
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