Home Learning Gateway
Make sure you read the class teacher's weekly Timetable document first: it will explain the resource packs in more detail, as well as providing links to relevant websites.
To help us keep this gateway manageable, activity documents have been compressed into ZIP files, usually one for English, Maths and Other/Project work. Depending on the device you use to access them, this may require you to take a couple of extra steps to unzip them (using a suitable app) so that you can view the original documents. You can check out this guide to accessing Zipped documents on an iPad here.
Important: We'd also like to remind families that, as a school community, we've worked hard over the years to build our pupils' Online Safety skills and understanding. In this new context, with schools actively encouraging increased access to the internet at home, we'd respectfully ask that you regularly check your internet security settings, controls and permissions across all devices and platforms. Parentzone, Internet Matters and the UK Safer Internet Centre provide useful resources. Use of the school's Welearn365 online learning platform to access resources, as directed by class teachers, is still subject to the school's Acceptable Use Agreement and Online Safety policy. See here for further details.
Nursery | Reception | Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 |
Online learning resources will be uploaded to Google Classroom.
In the event of a period of "class lockdown", information on how to access Google Classroom and Purple Mash is available here.
A message from Mrs Warrington:
During these unprecedented times we at Eastlands are going to do our very best to ensure our children keep on learning until the time we all return to the classroom.
One important feature at Eastlands is the Accelerated Reader programme. Most classes have children coming home with reading books during the school closure period. By visiting the AR website children can continue to quiz after they have finished reading each book. We encourage you to keep to this reading-quizzing routine.
After their books are finished and quizzed on, if possible, could you help your child to pick a book (from home, if local libraries are shut) that best matches their ZPD range eg: 3.2 or 1.8. You can use AR Bookfinder UK: (this is only available during a lockdown) this site will search whether books you have at home are on the AR system (there are over 200,000) and then find its AR level.
I would suggest to go no more than 0.5 either side of their current level.
For example:
If your child is 3.8 then they can read between 3.3 and 4.3. I would prefer children not to read too many below their level as this does not help them to make progress but I understand you may have a limited supply of books at your disposal in some cases. They can record their scores in the Home School Communication Books if they want to. I am available via email (warrington.s@welearn365.com) for any queries regarding AR and I will be checking on all classes over the course of the closure.
You can access these general learning sites which offer free resources across KS1 and KS2.
The BBC Bitesize site links to resources in all subject areas. | BBC Bitesize Daily lessons can be viewed on BBC iPlayer or the Red Button, freeing up a device. Check out the schedule. | Twinkl are offering free access to resources. You'll need to create an account and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS | KS2 students have access to TTRockstars - check your HSCB for your login details. |
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PhonicsPlay resources are free during this period. Sign-in details here. | Times tables games. | Challenge yourself across 10 different KS2 maths topics with the BBC's Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica | This British Council website helps students who are learning English as an additional language. |
An information guide on AR home connect so parents can see how well their child is reading. Click here
As well as reading the AR books you borrowed from school, there's now a library of 6000 books to access online! (Only available during lockdown) See Mrs Warrington's AR messages and user guides here. |
You can register free on the Oxford owl website for a free ebook library.
https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/ lots of books to choose from. Click HERE to view the book bands.
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Warwickshire Library are running a free digital library service. |
You can find lots of fun Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths ideas to try at home here. |
The Hamilton Trust provides theme-related resources and weblinks. They are also producing weekly packs for download.
Links to sites to help you stay active and healthy while off school. |
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Read Write Inc Phonics lessons are now streaming online. |
PE with Joe Wicks: a daily 30 minute workout, Monday to Friday. |
Resources for teaching pupils at KS1 and KS2, organised by subject and age-group. |
A selection of immersive audio experiences is available at Now>Press>Play when you enter the password: nowpressplay |
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Book your place for a Zoom session featuring Makaton signed nursery rhymes and action songs. |
We often hear from parents that it's not taught the same way as in our day! You can access our whole-school Maths Calculations Policy here. It lets you know how we teach Calculations at Eastlands, with skills progression from Year 1 to Year 6.