Happy Half Term Turtles! Have a lovely and restful break ready for Spring 2.
Year 3 Turtles 2024 - 2025
Miss Evans, Miss Huggins and Miss Fiddes would like to welcome you to the Year 3 webpage.
Please click the image below to view our Curriculum Year Plan. | Click the image below to view 'What children should know and be able to do when they leave Year 3'. |
Spring Term 1
Take a look at what Year 3 Turtles did in Spring Term 1 below...
Year 3 Turtles,
Amazing work during Spring 1 - once again your hard work has been noted and I am so pleased with all the progress being made. We tackled Spring assessments during the last week and the improvement made has made me a very proud teacher - well done to each and every one of you! I hope you have a lovely and restful half term break and come back ready for another busy term in Spring 2.
Miss Evans
wc 10/02 - Lots of hard work this week. You have all shown perseverance during this week as we have been completing assessments. Last week to go before a well earned break, keep it you children!
wc 03/02 - Only one more week to go until February Half Term! Keep up the wonderful work, a well deserved break is just around the corner. We have also managed to get another 10 gold coins! The gold coin reward will be taking place on Wednesday 12th February, the children have decided on ipad time and colouring time so nothing will need to be bought in for this gold coin reward. Well done Turtles!
wc 20/01 - Half way through Spring 1 Turtles. Keep up the fabulous work. The children's enthusiasm for our topics this term is so refreshing and this will hopefully help them retain the information given. Well done children.
wc 06/01 - Welcome back Year 3 Turtles! I would just like to share with parents careers how impressed I am with you all since starting back. You have been trying super hard and your behaviour has been fantastic! We are very close to getting our last coin for another gold coin reward! Keep up the good work - I can already tell Spring Term 1 is going to be wonderful.
A polite reminder, homework is set on a Friday and is due the following Wednesday. The children were not set homework over the Christmas break but now we are back at school homework will be set again. They have 3 bits of homework to complete - maths, reading and spellings. There is a 'how to log on' guide at the bottom of our webpage, if you would like a printed copy please put a note in your child's HSCB and I will get one home to you! Many thanks.
English - The Boy who Biked the World
wc 10/02 - This week we have been completing assessments. The children have done a reading and GPS (Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation) paper, it has been wonderful to see how hard everyone has been working.
wc 03/02 - As part of 'Story Telling Week' we have finished reading 'The Boy who Biked the World'! The children were so invested and are already wondering what happens in the sequels! We have continued our work on newspaper articles and before half term the children will have planned and written their own.
wc 27/01 - This week the children continued to develop their understanding on newspaper articles. We also learnt about speech and how to use inverted commas to show direct speech. We learnt a song to help us remember how to punctuate speech.
wc 20/01 - We have started learning about newspaper articles this week. The children have considered what a newspaper report is for and also what features you would need to write a newspaper article. We have then taken an example newspaper article and identified the different features.
wc 13/01 - This week we considered the importance of giving precise and clear instructions, demonstrated by making a cheese sandwich and only using the instructions the children gave me. After lots of laughs and smiles we understood the importance and were able to create a good set of precise instructions to make a cheese sandwich. The children then applied this knowledge and wrote instructions for how to make a banana sandwich (which is Tom's chosen snack in our story)!
wc 06/01 - Our work on our story, 'The Boy who Biked the World' continues. We have recapped the story and also revisited the features of instructions ready to begin writing our own instructions next week! It's been lovely to see the children's enthusiasm for the story continues!
wc 03/02 - This week was 'Story Telling Week' the children have had a lovely time reading many different books. We also quizzed on 'Gangsta Granny' as a class as we finished reading that as our class reader. The children then completed a book review for Gangsta Granny and it was interesting what everyone's favourites part were and why!
wc 27/01 - The children have used their VIPER skills lots this week. We watched and answered questions about a video called 'Bubbles' as well as reading about butterflies and then asking questions in pairs and then independently.
wc 20/01 - This week, the children used their VIPER skills to answer questions about the History of Comics! We will keep practicing and developing these skills.
wc 13/01 - In addition to practising our VIPERS skills during reading, we also watched a short clip and used our VIPERS skills to answer questions and explore the clip. It was an interesting take on the well loved game rock, paper, scissors. The children worked wonderfully well and made some insightful predictions.
wc 06/01 - This week, the children have done the Spring term star reading quiz. I am so pleased with the results and the progress the children have made. We have discussed the children's reading levels and targets and they are eager to get started which is a fantastic attitude! Keep up the good work Turtles.
wc 10/02 - This week we have been completing assessments. The children have done two maths papers, an arithmetic paper and a reasoning paper. They have been working hard to read the questions carefully and apply known facts to solve different problems.
wc 02/03 - We have continued to explore our new topic by representing multiplications and divisions using arrays and bar models. The children are working hard to build on their existing multiplication knowledge.
wc 27/01 - We have finished our topic on perimeter! The children worked together on whiteboards to solve some perimeter problems. We have moved onto our new topic of 'Multiplication and Division'.
wc 20/01 - This week we continued calculating the perimeter of different shapes. The children worked together and then used the skills independent to solve different perimeter questions.
wc 13/01 - This week the children applied their knowledge of measuring and using cm and mm and calculated the perimeter of different shapes! Amazing work children, well done!
wc 06/01 - Our unit on using cm and mm continues. This week the children estimated the length of different objects within the classroom and then measured them. It was fabulous to see the children making their educated guesses and then accurately measuring the objects. It was also incredibly amusing to see the children measuring each other's shoes (including the staff's shoes) and comparing them, using greater than and less than.
wc 27/01 - Our 100 questions in 10 minutes timetables practice continues but this week the children focused on their 10, 5 and 2 timetables and used their knowledge to colour an underwater scene in the right colours!
History - Ancient Greeks
wc 10/02 - During the last week of term the children spent time finalising different bits of work to conclude our Ancient Greeks topic.
wc 03/02 - The children continued to build on their knowledge of life in Ancient Greece. We continued to pick apart information and add it to the double page spreads started last week.
wc 27/01 - This week children began to consider what life in Ancient Greece would have been like. We read and discussed information about clothes, food and drink, marriages and entertainment in Ancient Greece. The children then created a double page spread to display their information.
wc 20/01 - The children have had a busy History week this week! They have considered the meaning of monarchy, oligarchy and democracy and discussed what each means and considered the pros and cons for each. They have also learnt about the two city states (Athens and Sparta) and we did a compare and contrast all together sorting different cards into the correct city state. It was lovely to have discussions about how the city states are different and about the children's thoughts about how they differ from today. Keep up the fantastic work children.
wc 13/01 - This week in History the children began to explore who the Ancient Greeks were and where they sit on a timeline. It was wonderful to see the children are enthusiastic about our new topic.
wc 06/01 - This term we have started our new History topic... the Ancient Greeks! We have explored the meaning of 'BC' and 'AD' as well as discussing what we already know about the Ancient Greeks. We also had a lesson linked to art, we explored Ancient Greeks vases and used repeated patterns and carefully selected colours to create some amazing Greek vase designs. A great start to a new topic - well done!
Science - Irreversible Changes
wc 03/02 - This week the children worked with a teacher and considered if chemical reactions affect mass. Again, some excellent group discussions.
wc 20/01 - The children considered the question, 'Do all chemical reactions happen at the same rate?' this week in Science with Mrs Carlin. Some fab discussions took place and the children wrote sentences explaining their finds relating to how a nail might rust.
wc 06/01 - This term in Science we are exploring the topic, 'Irreversible Changes'. In science this week, we briefly discussed the periodic table and the fact that everything is made from particles of different chemicals. We spoke about reversible and irreversible changes are as well as endothermic and exothermic reactions are.
Music - Keyboards and Recorders
A polite reminder the children will need their recorders in school for their lessons on Thursdays.
wc 10/02 - As always, the children are continuing to work incredibly well during keyboards and recorder sessions.
wc 03/02 - The fabulous work in music continues. Both music teachers are extremely impressed with the children's progress and I had the chance to listen on of the keyboard practice and it was amazing! Keep up children.
wc 27/01 - Another brilliant week this week for music. The children are really trying to build and develop their music knowledge.
wc 20/01 - Turtles class had a fabulous week in keyboards with Mrs Voss this week! She was very impressed and even awarded them a gold coin. Well done!
wc 13/01 - Keyboards are back! The children had both recorders and keyboards this week and continue to build on their knowledge and understanding.
wc 06/01 - This week the children did their recorders lesson. Mrs Voss will be back next week and the children will continue both their recorders and keyboard lessons.
Art -
wc 10/02 - This week the children continued to add detail to their different flower 'studies'.
wc 03/02 - The children were considering different parts of a flower and sketching them carefully to produce different 'studies'.
wc 27/01 - This week in art the children focused on working with different textures. We use charcoal and different surfaces to make different and interesting textures and then carefully tore the different textures to create different pictures.
wc 06/01 - As mentioned, this week the children did some art linked to our history topic. We considered repeated patterns, colours, shapes and sizes of different Greek vases. They are on the window of our classroom so be sure to keep your eyes peeled!
A polite reminder that Year 3 PE days are Monday and Tuesday.
wc 10/02 - Amazing teamwork shown this week during PE. It is lovely to see the children's enthusiasm for PE is shining through.
wc 27/01 - This week in PE we worked with Year 4 and completed an orienteering task all about the Chinese New Year! It is wonderful to see how well the children use their social and problem solving skills during these orienteering lessons.
wc 20/01 - We built on our athletic stances and did multiple different movements where the children then had to stop and show their athletic stance! Good work!
wc 13/01 - During our PE lessons this week we introduced an 'athletic stance' and discussed what this means and when an athlete may use this stance. We then considered how to control a tennis ball using either hands or feet and then introduced a 'trick' of their choice. The children also continued to explore balances outdoors.
wc 06/01 - This term the children will begin their real PE topic on the cognitive cog, focusing on balance and ball skills. In PE this week the children tackled some tricky balances.
wc 03/02 - We did a consolidation lesson this week and focused on all content covered since September! Was brilliant to see the children so engaged and able to recall information from not only last week but also last term!
wc 27/01 - This week we continued our work on musical instruments and the children successful matched up the instruments to the translation.
wc 20/01 - We started learning different musical instruments in French this week. The children will do a match up activity next week to see what they can recall and remember.
wc 13/01 - This week we learnt how to ask, 'How are you?' and considered the different ways you could respond to this. The children then went and had simple conversations with each other in French! Fab work Turtles.
wc 06/01 - We have continued to build our French knowledge this week.. The children have been practicing how ask, 'What is your name?' and also respond by saying, 'My name is...' in French. They enjoyed having small conversations with each other in French.
Friday 14th February - Whole School reward
The children had a whole school reward for getting so many house points! They spent time on the ipads on Friday afternoon and had some free time to spend time together before a well earned half term break.
Wednesday 12th February - Gold Coin Reward
The children have been working so hard and managed to gain another 10 gold coin reward. The children chose to have some time on the ipads during the afternoon. Keep up the fabulous work children - we are already half way to another 10 gold coins!
Friday 7th February - 'Story Telling Week'
As part of 'Story Telling Week', Year 3 Turtles teamed up with Year 6 Leopards and did some buddy reading. I will lovely to see the children with their partners reading different books and enjoying the stories being told.
We also managed to finish reading our English book, 'The Boy who Biked the World' and we discussed the story and our favourite parts.
Monday 27th January - Healthy Eating Workshop
We had a very special visitor in Year 3 today. We spoke about healthy eating and having a balanced diet, the children were very good at sorting out the different food into the correct categories.
Friday 17th January - Gold Coin Reward
We managed to reach 10 gold coins! We had a movie afternoon treat and we watched Hercules - which still links in nicely with our Ancient Greek topic! Keep you the good work Turtles and I'm sure there will be another treat in store soon!
Autumn Term 2
Take a look at what Year 3 Turtles did in Autumn Term 2 below...
Year 3 Turtles,
We have finished Autumn Term! As always, the Autumn term has been extremely busy and I am so pleased with how well everyone has managed the challenges and continued to progress. We have had performances, trips and Christmas activities as well as our normal day to day activities and learning. I would like to say a huge thank you to the whole of the Year 3 for working so hard during the busy weeks leading up to the Christmas break. A massive thank you to all the parents and carers for helping making this half term special and as always thank you to the staff for all the help and support you've given. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a restful break ready for Spring 1 in January!
Miss Evans
Important Dates from wc 16/12 -
The last week of term is always busy! Please see below for important dates this week...
Tuesday 17th December = Christmas Dinner
Wednesday 18th December = Temple Speech Rooms Performance
Friday 20th December = Walk to the Church
Friday 20th December = Last Day of Term
Important Dates from wc 09/12 -
Monday 9th December = Year 3 & 4 Indoor Athletics Competition (if your child has been selected a letter & sticker to sign will be found in their HSCB)
Thursday 12th December = Year 3 & 4 Christmas Performance
Thursday 12th December = Christmas Jumper Day
Important Dates from wc 02/12 -
Tuesday 3rd December = Rock Steady Concert
Friday 6th December = Year 3 Gold Coin Reward Afternoon (Children are able to bring in a cushion, teddy and a healthy snack if they wish)
Friday 6th December = Non School Uniform Day
Friday 6th December = Eastlands Christmas Fayre
English - The Boy who Biked the World
wc 16/12 - We are continuing to read our story. We will continue with this book in Spring 1, we are all keen to read the end of the story and find out what happens! When we come back from Christmas, we will continue to explore instructions and how to write them and then move onto newspapers! It is lovely to see the children's work on display in the Year 3 and 4 corridor for everyone to see (Thank you to Miss Fiddes once again for creating a beautiful display to showcase the children's work).
wc 09/12 - Tom's adventures continue as we read and the children are still enjoying the story. This week have we looked at the purpose and features of a set of instructions, the children have been identifying the features of instructions using a set of instructions about planting a sunflower seed. Next week, the children will plan and write their own instructions relating to the text.
wc 02/12 - This week we have been focusing on reading comprehensions, however, we've read more of 'The Boy who Biked the World' ready to do some instructions next week! Tom has cycled all the way Africa in our recent chapters!
wc 25/11 - The children have been working hard this week to write their own diary entries. They have written from the point of Tom (the main character) and about his day the day before he set off cycling the world. They used their plans and our group diary entry. It was fabulous to see the children able to write in first person from Tom's point of view.
wc 18/11 - This week the children have been working hard exploring the features of diary entry. We have then planned a diary entry from the point of view of Tom (the main character in 'The Boy who Biked the World') and they will be writing their own diary entry from his point of view of Tom next week.
wc 11/11 - The enthusiasm for 'The Boy who Biked the World' continues this week. The children have enjoyed delving deeper into the story line and are eager to know what happens next. This week, we have been looking at first and third person writing and the children have been identifying which part of our story is writing in first and third person. They have even had a go at changing third person writing into first person writing.
wc 04/11 - This week we have started a new text... 'The Boy who Biked the World'. The children have really got stuck in with the story and class discussions. We have spoken about whether we would want to bike around the world and have also explored the reasoning for some of the Author's choices in how they choose to start the book. In addition to this, we have created 'packing lists' of what we would take with us if we were to cycle around the world!
wc 02/12 - We have done a reading comprehension about Amelia Earhart this week. We had some brilliant discussions about the text we read and used our VIPERS skills really well! Keep it up Turtles.
wc 25/11 - This week, we managed to find some time to read in the library again. It was wonderful to see the children relaxing and reading in a nice calm environment. I also managed to snap some shots of the children working hard on a reading comprehension all about 'Robin Hood'. Good work everyone.
wc 16/12 - This week, we continued our new topic on centimeters and millimeters. This topic will be continued in Spring 1.
wc 09/12 - We have started a new topic this week! The children have been exploring centimetres and millimetres. They have been working hard measuring different strips of paper and also converting between cm and mm.
wc 02/12 - The children have continued working hard this week doing column subtraction. We have also looked at some word problems that have put the children's addition and subtraction of two 3-digit numbers to the test!
wc 25/11 - We have begun column subtraction this week, subtracting two 3-digit numbers. We have done a couple of lessons and begun regrouping. The children have considered the similarities and differences between column addition and column subtraction.
wc 18/11 - This week the children have begun adding two 3-digit numbers with regrouping using column addition. It has been a challenging concept but the children are finally starting to remember the steps and successfully add the numbers together.
wc 11/11 - The children have begun adding and subtracting two 3-digit numbers! It is great to see how hard they are trying and they are considering the most effective ways to tackle the calculations. Keep it up!
wc 04/11 - In Maths, the children have been working hard adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers to 2-digit numbers with regrouping! It is a tricky skill but their place value knowledge from last term is helping them persevere through!
Maths - Multiplication
wc 16/12 - We did some Christmas multiplication this week! The children had to solve the question and then use the key to colour it in the correct colour to reveal a Christmas picture.
wc 09/12 - I was so impressed by the children's multiplication knowledge! The children showed real determination as they tried the 100 questions in 10 minutes challenge. We will do these challenges regularly from now on to try and increase the children's multiplication knowledge and recall speed. Fabulous work Turtles!
Geography - Why are deserts so dry and rainforests so wet?
wc 09/12 - The children this week were exploring world climates. They discussed the different types of climates around the world and also used a key to identify where the different types of climates can be found. They also used atlases to cross reference their findings.
wc 25/11 - This week the children finalised their work using the maps of the UK to explore average temperatures. The children continued persevering and produced some fabulous work.
wc 18/11 - The children worked hard in this week's geography lesson. We explored reading keys on the maps showing the average temperatures across the UK in January and July and the children used atlases to cross reference the area and find the name to put into the table. It was a challenging lesson but the children showed real perseverance and kept going until the job was done.
wc 11/11 - Our lessons about climate across the United Kingdom continues... The children have been working hard to use key vocabulary to start describing the climate patterns seen during different seasons. Please look at the image below to see our fabulous display (well done and thank you Miss Fiddes) showing the different key vocabulary we have discussed.
wc 04/11 - This term we have started our geography topic about deserts and rainforests. This week we started to explore why climate is different across the United Kingdom. The children worked together to locate the UK on a globe and also on a world map. We also began to discuss the different types of weather we experience in the UK and next week they will begin to explore climate patterns across different seasons.
Science - Light, Earth and Space
wc 02/12 - The children continued their learning of reflection this week. They imagined they were a submarine captain and design their own periscopes for their submarines. Fabulous work Turtles.
wc 18/11 - This week the children finished their lesson on reflection. We investigated and discovered that not all materials reflect light but that some materials let the light go straight through them. The children drew a small diagram to help show this. Next week the children will put their knowledge to the test and use problem solving skills to solve a problem.
wc 04/11 - In Science, Year 3 are continuing to explore the concept of light, Earth and Space. We have done a small recap of things learnt last term and this week begun our lesson about light and reflection.
Music - Keyboards and Recorders
A polite reminder the children will need their recorders in school for their lessons on Thursdays.
wc 16/12 - This week the children enjoyed singing Christmas carols ready for the Church visit on Friday! We sang, 'O Little Town of Bethlehem,' 'We Three Kings,' and 'We Wish you a Merry Christmas.'
wc 09/12 - The children continued to prepare for the Christmas Performance! After the performance the children explored using boomwhackers in the classroom to perform a known song. We considered the tempo of the music and how best use the boomwhackers - safe to say the children enjoyed using the instruments!
wc 02/12 - With one week to go until our Christmas performance, the children (and staff) have been working harder than ever to perfect our show! We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday 12th December to perform our show to you.
wc 25/11 - Our Christmas performance preparation continues. Year 3 and 4 have been working hard learning the songs and dance moves as well as following stage directions. Some children have also started practicing for the Boom whackers section of the performance!
wc 18/11 - This week preparation for the Christmas performance has begun! In addition to their keyboard and recorders lessons Year 3 have been working with Year 4 to learn songs for the performance. It was been brilliant to see the children get involved.
wc 11/11 - Please see below for some images of the children's music lessons. They are working hard to recall information from last term and apply this to learn new songs.
wc 04/11 - The children's enthusiasm for music continues, both during their music lessons and music assemblies! This week the children have refreshed their memories of last term's learning and will begin to rehearse for the Christmas Performance!
Art - Growing Artists
wc 09/12 - This week the children made Christmas crowns to wear for the Christmas dinner next week. It was lovely to see the children consider their use of colour carefully.
wc 02/12 - We have continued to explore tone and shading this week. The children have produced some great work shading different shapes making tones darker and lighter.
wc 25/11 - In art this week, the children have begun to consider tone and shading. They have had a go at shading and also creating a shade gradient that foes from dark tones to light tones. Next week we will have a go at shading different shapes.
wc 18/11 - The children have continued using the skills learnt last week and have identified the simple shapes within different objects and started sketching different objects. They were sketching things like fruit, plants and jars.
wc 11/11 - This week the children have started their new art topic entitled, 'Growing Artists'. They have looked at simple shapes and how these shapes can be used to help us sketch different objects.
Art - Bonfire Night
wc 04/11 - As a back to school treat and as part of the celebrations, the children created some art work based of Bonfire Night and the firework displays. We learnt about Bonfire Night in our classroom assembly and created some posters. Then the children we eager to use a range of medias including wax crayons and black paint to create these beautiful pieces of artwork!
A polite reminder that Year 3 PE days are Monday and Tuesday.
wc 16/12 - This week in PE, the children had a mini bench ball tournament! They worked hard to show teamwork to pass the ball to members of their team. Good work Turtles.
wc 09/12 - As the hall was in use this week in many different Christmas performances, Year 3 and 4 joined forces for PE to do another orienteering task. They were working hard to use effective communication skills and get the task completed.
wc 02/12 - We did another split PE session this week again! The children are really enjoying bench ball and it is wonderful to see their skills developing and improve! They are all working well as a team, ensuring all children have a go. Some children are even starting to consider using different tactics to help their game play.
wc 25/11 - This week we split our PE time. We did some bench ball and also did some relay games outside on the playground. It was amazing to see the children cheering each other and being supportive during the different relay challenges. Keep up the team spirit children!
wc 18/11 - This term the children are focusing on the 'Social Cog' and they have been working on their communicating skills. Year 3 and 4 worked together again to help develop commination skills with children that aren't as well know. They did a warm up together and it was fab to see everyone working together and putting the social skills into practice.
wc 11/11 - The children have tested their team work skills this week. Year 3 and 4 teamed up and completed an orienteering task relating to Black History Month. It was brilliant to see the children's communication skills being tested whilst trying to read a map and locate the markers.
wc 04/11 - In PE this week the children were enthusiastically showing their skills in a dance lesson and showed great sportsmanship as they cheered everyone on with smiles on their faces!
wc 02/12 - We have recapped Autumn 1's learning for French this week. Soon we will consider how to say, "How are you?" and different responses to continue with a conversation in French.
wc 25/11 - The children were very excited this week as their French books have finally arrived! We will continue our learning in our new French books from now on. This week the children had the chance to create a mini 'title page' for their brand new books.
Design and Technology - Moving Christmas Cards
wc 16/12 - For D&T in Autumn Term, the children have created some amazing moving Christmas cards. The children worked hard to understand levers and linkages and understand the key words. They then designed their cards and then made them. The children will be evaluating their products. A job very well done Turtles, well done!
Computing - Christmas Deigns
wc 16/12 - This week in computing the children had the chance to design some Christmas cards or a wintery scene on the laptops using 2paint. They worked hard thinking of ideas that were relevant and appropriate and then enjoyed creating and sharing their designs on the laptops.
Church Trip - Friday 20th December
On Friday, the last day of term, the children walked to the church. We listened to some readings, watched a short show by some of Year 2 and 6 and then enjoyed singing some Christmas carols together. It was a lovely and festive way to end the term in the lead-up to Christmas.
A Special Visitor... - Thursday 19th December
Wow, very exciting news! On Thursday Eastlands Primary School had a very special visitor, Santa popped by to see the children! There was lots of excitement and lots of happy children!
Temple Speech Rooms Trip - Wednesday 18th December
On Wednesday, the whole school walked to the Temple Speech rooms in Rugby town centre. We watched a show about King Herod, there were lots of laughs and giggles. The children behaved so well and were a credit to the school - well done Turtles.
Christmas Dinner - Tuesday 17th December
The Turtles enjoyed their Christmas Dinner on Tuesday! They had a fantastic time decorating their crowns for the dinner and then was lovely to see them wearing their colourful designs. The children (and staff) were very excited to celebrate by having Christmas Dinner together.
Year 3 and 4 Christmas Performance - Thursday 12th December
What an incredible performance... A HUGE well done to all children who took part in the Year 3 and 4 Christmas Performance, you really did 'Sparkle and Shine'. The children were utterly fabulous and did a combination of singing, dancing, keyboards and even boomwhackers! The children have been fantastic with their dedication to learning and practicing for the show and they really did themselves proud. Thank you to everyone who came to watch and thank you to all who joined in during 'Sparkle and Shine', the children (and staff) loved seeing you dancing along with them.
A special thanks to all Lower Key Stage 2 staff who were involved, as well as Mrs Voss for all her hard work teaching the children keyboards - their progression has been amazing and it is wonderful to hear them learning every Thursday.
If you would like to see a copy of the 2024/25 Year 3 and 4 Christmas Performance programme please click 'here'.
Christmas Jumper Day - Thursday 12th December
Christmas Jumper Day was on Thursday 12th December and it was brilliant to see the children in their Christmas Jumpers! This followed on nicely from our classroom assembly from last week, when we learnt about what Christmas Jumper day is for!
Year 3 and 4 Indoor Athletics Event - Monday 9th December
It was my absolute pleasure to take some of the Year 3 Turtles and some of the Year 4 Rhinos to Harris Sports Centre on Monday to compete in an indoor Athletics Event. The children showed amazing sportsmanship and it was a joy to see them get stuck in with all events, even though many hadn't done them before. Well done everyone!
A polite reminder: If your child was not selected for this event please do not worry as there will be other sports events and opportunities throughout the year.
Christmas Fayre - Friday 6th December
Was lovely to see so many of you at Eastlands Christmas Fayre on Friday! I hope you all enjoyed spending your tokens, winning prizes and getting into the Christmas spirit!
Gold Coin Reward - Friday 6th December
The children have been working so hard and we earned another 10 gold coins! It was lovely to watch the Nativity all together - would have been rude not to watch a Christmas film now we are in December!
Christmas Jumper Day Assembly - Thursday 5th December
Christmas Jumper Day 2024 is on Thursday 12th December, in our class assembly we discussed what Christmas Jumper Day was for and even designed our own Christmas Jumpers (some of these can be seen on our window)! I look forward to seeing the children in their Christmas Jumpers on 12.12.24!
Pantomime Trip - Friday 29th November
We had a fantastic time at the Pantomime today! The children loved the storyline, songs and dances and of course making lots of noise! We had a lovely time out as a school and the Turtles had a jolly sing on the way home.
Christmas Colouring - Friday 29th November
After the Pantomime trip, the Turtles children (and teachers) were feeling very tired! We decided to start some festive activities. Keep your eyes peeled as I am sure they will appear on the windows or around the classroom soon!
Important Notice regarding Homework - wc 18/11
I have had multiple parents and children explain they have had a problem accessing homework. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, it is fabulous to see the children so keen to access learning at home! I have checked the access to Google classroom for every child and I cannot see the problem, I have refreshed everything from my end anyway and doubled checked that all children should have access. If you could try logging out and logging back in and refreshing the page that should fingers crossed solve the issue. Please do not worry if you are still unable to access homework, please jot a note in your child's HSCB and I will do some deeper investigating!
Many thanks,
Miss Evans
Road Safety Week - wc 18/11
This week is Road Safety Awareness week. The children have listened to an informative assembly with Mrs Hope. We then reflected about how we can be Road Safety Heroes and try to keep everyone safe around the road. The children then made posters with top tips to stay safe. Good work Turtles!
Snowy Breaktime Fun - Tuesday 19th November
The children (and teachers) enjoyed a snowy breaktime today! We were all very excited and were building snowmen and catching snowflakes. It was lovely to see Year 3 Turtles playing together and seeing so many smiles.
TLC Meetings - Monday 11th November and Wednesday 13th November
A massive thank you to all who attended TLCs. It was lovely to meet and spend time talking about the children's progress and share some of their work. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Remembrance Day - Monday 11th November
On Monday, the children did a small reflection about what Remembrance Day is. The discussions in the classroom were very reflective and we also coloured our own Poppy Wreaths and took part in the two minutes silence as a whole school.
Anti-Bullying Awareness Day & Odd Socks Day - Thursday 14th November
This week (wc 11/11) was Anti-Bullying awareness week. We celebrated on Thursday by wearing odd socks! We went to a whole school assembly and also managed to design our own pair of odd socks based of things that we like to emphasise that we are all different and unique.
Children in Need - Friday 15th November
The children had a lovely day wearing their yellow and spotty clothes in support of Children in Need. We watched the Children in Need Newsround special and the children designed some of their own eye patches that can be seen below and on the windows by the Year 3 outdoor area.
Whole School Reward - Friday 15th November
As a result of reaching 10,000 house points as a whole school, year 1-6 had a games afternoon. The children enjoyed playing a variety of new and known games together. There was lots of laughing and smiles as well as some healthy competitive spirit. Keep up the hard work and I'm sure there will be another whole school reward soon.
Autumn Term 1
Take a look at what Year 3 Turtles did in Autumn Term 1 below...
Year 3 Turtles,
Just to say, a huge well done to the whole of Year 3! This has been a long and busy half term but we have made it through and I am so proud of everybody and their progress. The transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 can be tricky but you are all doing so well. A special thanks to all parent and carers for being so supportive and to Miss Fiddes, Miss Huggins and other members of staff that help the Year 3 team. Have a wonderful half term, I look forward to seeing you in November for Autumn 2!
Miss Evans
Year 3 Celebration Assembly - Friday 25th October
A massive thank you to all the parents and carers who came to watch our Year 3 Celebration Assembly this morning. It was lovely to share Year 3's success and progress with you all! For anyone who missed our assembly or would like to look at the PowerPoint again, please click here.
Parent and Carer Meet and Greet - Monday 16th September
Thank you to all of the Parents and Carers who came to the meet and greet this afternoon. If you were unable to come or you wish to read the presentation again, please click the image below.
English - Stone Age Boy
Year 3 have been busy exploring the Stone Age Boy text. The children have also loved the link to our Stone Age History topic. We have read the story and explored the story through drama, specifically freeze framing. Most recently, we created a story map of the text and the children have planned their own Stone Age stories. This week we will be writing our own version using our story mountain plans and the original text for ideas!
Recently the library has been moved within school and the children have been enjoying using the new library. They had the chance to explore the new layout and some of the books. They are also enthusiastic to be reading in the space and enjoying quizzing and going to change their books.
Maths - Place Value
In Maths this term, the children have been exploring number and place value. The children have been working hard exploring the value of different digits and have started considering the most effective way to add and subtract 2-digit numbers. This week we have introduced 3-digit numbers and have been comparing and contrasting numbers using greater than and less symbols, as well as ordering the numbers.
History - The Stone Age
The children have loved learning about the Stone Age. We have explored the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods and the children have had a discussion about the differences and any similarities of these time periods. The children have created some excellent double page spreads with information about the different time periods.
October is Black History Month. Following on from a whole school assembly, Year 3 have been considering Influential Black Musicians. We have learnt some facts about the artists and listened to some of their music.
Science - Light, Earth and Space
In Science, Year 3 are exploring the concept of light, Earth and Space. We have read facts about the Solar System and the planets, creating a lovely double page spread in our books. We have more recently done an experiment to help us understand the concept of daytime and night time and how this relates to the moon.
Music - Keyboards and Recorders
A polite reminder the children will need their recorders in school for their lessons on Thursdays.
The children have been extremely enthusiastic to be learning the keyboards and recorders. They have begun by exploring the correct way to position your hands on the keyboards and how to hold the recorder correctly.
Art - Prehistoric Art
Linked to History, our art topic this term is exploring prehistoric art. We have explored cave paintings that would have been found in the Stone Age period and recently we have been exploring natural pigment, such as; leaves, soil, sticks and even flowers. The children have experimented with enlarging and scaling sketches and have learnt some top tips when sketching. This week the children have been creating beautiful images on tea stained paper ready to add colour.
Art - Autumnal Wreaths
On the last day of term, we made Autumnal wreaths. We spent time collecting fallen leaves, then we cut our paper plates into wreaths and arranged our leaves. The children enjoyed choosing different coloured leaves and sticking them on!
A polite reminder that Year 3 PE days are Monday and Tuesday.
In PE, the children have been focusing on the personal bests. The children have been set a challenge, for example linked to balance, and have been working hard to beat their personal best. We are also enjoying exploring some basic defence and attacking tactics through bench ball.
We have been working hard in French to begin to learn the days of the week and months of the year. Recently, we have been having simple conversations in French which include saying, "hello and goodbye," "what is your name?" and, "my name is _____."
The children have been working very hard with Mrs Vikmanis in Year 3 this term! Recently, they have been talking about respect and why it is important to respect people around us.
Design and Technology
This subject will be taught in a block at the end of Autumn 2.
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