Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Year 2 Tigers 2024 - 2025

Miss Guy and Miss Dalton would like to welcome you to the Year 2 webpage. 

Please click the image below to view our Curriculum Year Plan. 

Click the image below to view 'What children should know and be able to do when they leave Year 2'

Click the image below to see what is happening in our classroom each day

16th September 2024

Thank you to all of the Parents and Carers who came to the meet and greet this afternoon.  If you were unable to come or you wish to read the presentation again, please click the image below. 

Need help logging on to Purple Mash at home? Click the image below for our step by step guide. To access AR at home, click the image below. 
If your child is off school and they are well enough to learn, please talk to the class teacher who will provide learning or direct you to the Oak National Academy and BBC Bitesize websites. Click on the image to access.


Year 2 have been busy making bird feeders in their Science lessons. They designed their bird feeder first before creating their own with pipe cleaners and cereal. They are dotted around the KS1 outside area if you wanted to see them!


Year 2 have been learning different movements within their dance unit for PE. Here are some photos of their movements and positions during their dance lessons with their partners. They have even created a sequence of movements whilst music was playing too! 


As part of our learning for Remembrance Day, we created poppies in our Art lesson and wrote a poppy poem in Literacy. Please see some photos below of our fantastic poppies and poems. 

Thank you to everyone who attended our celebration assembly.  If you missed it or you would like to watch it again, click on the image below. 

PSHE  - Road Safety Scooter Safety Circus. 

We have been very busy taking part in learning all about scooter safety.  We have learn about how to get ready to scoot and what to wear, how to complete safety checks on a scooter, how to balance and control a scooter and the the importance of sharing the space with other pavement users.  We watched some videos made for us by the Warwickshire Safe and Active Schools team. We also helped Warwick Bear to be bright, be safe and be seen.  

Click HERE to view Scooter Safety Top Tips Letter.


We have had a lovely first week back! In Science we have made rain gauges. Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed the lesson and have been very excited to measure the amount of rain fall we have. Unfortunately, the very cold and icy weather has stopped the rain for the moment. We are hopeful that we can check our rain gauges next week! They are placed around the KS1 area if you want to take a look...


Year 1 and 2 had an amazing experience on Wednesday 12th February! They were visited by Zoolab who brought the children 5 animals to hold and look at. Year 2 were very excited to hold and look at these animals up close. First animal who visited was the African land snail, next was the sticky tree frog, after came the cockroach (who was very quick), then came the dreaded tarantula and finally Pumpkin the corn snake. Please see the pictures below of Year 2 enjoyed this fantastic opportunity from our brilliant PSA! 

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