Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Digital Leaders

Welcome to our Digital Leaders Webpage.  This page will keep you updated with information about the work our team are doing for Eastlands children, parents and carers and our community. 

Digital Leaders are children with a passion for technology who want to share their knowledge with others and promote the use of all things digital throughout the school. Being a Digital Leader is a fantastic opportunity to take on responsibility, learn new skills, develop and demonstrate leadership skills and be a real help.

Key Stage 2 children can apply to be a Digital Leader. The Digital Leaders will receive  training and support from Miss Shipp (Computing Lead) and Mrs Vikmanis (PSHE and Online Safety Lead), to develop areas of expertise in supporting technology within our school. For example, a good knowledge of Purple Mash and an enthusiasm for learning and sharing their knowledge with others would be beneficial.

Welcome to the Digital Leader Pupil Leadership Team!

And our selected Deputy and Head Digital Leaders. Congratulations.

3rd November 2022

At todays meeting, we had our photograph taken as everyone is back at school.  Our photograph will be displayed in the Hive, and as part of our who can help display.  We will be making our own display for the school entrance and need to decide what we would like to share there.  We are also helping school by asking our Parents and Carers to join up to the National Online Safety Website.   Parents, Carers and Staff can find lots of information about the recent game releases and how to keep everyone safe.  Please join too by clicking the links below. 

Letter to Parents and Carers                                        Flyer with QR Code

17th October 2022

We can reveal our Year 6 and Year 5 Digital Leaders.  They have accepted their Leadership role!

Many congratulations!

6th October 2022

The closing date has arrived and we have a lot of applications to go through.  After careful consideration, we have selected our 12 Digital Leaders.  They will be spoken to on Monday and then we will be sharing who they are with our community. 

26th September 2022

This week we are ready to launch our Digital Leader recruitment process. Anyone in Key Stage 2 can fill out an application form to be part of our new team.  All applications need to be returned by 6th October at 12.15pm.  We look forward to receiving the applications!

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