eCadets 2016 - 2017
Welcome to the Eastlands eCadets webpage for September 2016-2017. eCadets is a pupil led programme that teaches children how to stay safe online. Our eCadets get their own eCadet Zone, bursting with information and resources. They are set termly challenges through which they learn new online skills and disseminate the knowledge across the whole school community including their peers, school staff, governors and parents.
Visit the website for more information.
This page which keep you up to date with the work being done by our team
Meet our 2016- 2017 e-Cadets team!
27th February 2017 - Promotion
Over the Easter holidays, our eCadets submitted some of their work to eCadet headquarters. We are very pleased and proud to announce that our eCadets have been promoted to eChief Superintendents! Go Eastlands eCadets!
7th February 2017 - Safer Internet Day
Today across the world, people are thinking about keeping safe online. Our eCadets took up the challenge of leading two assemblies this morning. Nursery, Reception and KS1 were treated to a story all about Smartie the Penguin who needed to remember before he taps and clicks, he needs to stop and think and tell someone! KS2 thought about what happens to photographs that are shared online. The eCadets shared their knowledge and spoke with confidence. Go team Eastlands eCadets! Have a look at our news page to see Safer Internet in action across the school.
3rd February 2017 - Year 5 Peer Peer teaching!
This afternoon, our Year5 eCadets took centre stage in the classroom. It was their turn to teach their peers all about how searching Google works. They had worked incredibly hard as a team to produce a PowerPoint and a script. Well done eCadets, a round of applause for you all.
27th January 2017 - BETT Show
The day has arrived, some of our eCadets went to the BETT Show. Have a look at the photographs below to see what an amazing time they had. Their presentation is also below.
23rd January 2017 - Preparation for Safer Internet Day
At after school eCadet club, our children started to make preparations for their assemblies to celebrate Safer Internet Day. They spilt into two teams, one for KS1 and 1 for KS2. They have divided up the speaking parts equally and they are feeling confident with their presentations. Practise next Monday then sharing with the school on Tuesday 7th February! All very exciting. Good luck eCadets.
17th January 2017 - Year 4 eCadets in Action
Today Year 4 had a very special lesson delivered by Year 4 eCadets! . They taught their peers about how searching works! During eCadet after school meetings, they made their own powerpint to accompany the lesson. In partners, Year 4 children then produced a poster about searching. Well done eCadets! We are proud of you.
4th January 2017 - BETT Show
Today it has been confirmed by eCadet Headquarters, that some of our eCadets have been invited to speak about what they do to keep us safe at this years BETT Show! This is a great honour and an amazing opportunity. The show is at the ExCel centre and is a leading technology show, for more information please visit their website
Mrs Edwards and Mrs Vikmanis will be attending the show with 7 of our eCadets and we are all very excited. Come back soon to see what we got up to.
November and December 2016
During our eCadets meetings, we have been working together as a team towards our missions. Have a look at us in action!
Today Year 6 had a very special lesson delivered by us. We taught our peers about how Google works! During our after school meetings, we made our own powerpint to accompany our lesson. In partners, Year 6 produced a poster about Google. It was a difficult decision but we chose 4 posters to go into our Year 6 class book, have a look and see what you think! Year 6 gave us a huge round of appaluse! We throughly enjoyed teaching others about how to search safely.
14th October 2016 - Afternoon Assembly Praise
In achievement assembly this afternoon, our eCadets were congratulated on being promoted to eSuperintendents! They also received an email from our head of governors.
"Please pass on my congratulations to the children and Mrs Vikmanis on passing the test and becoming Superintendents! Very well done."
Thank you Mr Holmes.
14th October 2016 - Lunchtime Meeting
At lunchtime today, we met in the gazebo on the playground for a planning meeting. This is the first of many where we work independently then report back to Mrs Vikmanis. We will be talking to the whole school in an assembly in the coming weeks. We have decided what we want to say, who will say it and the props that we will need. We will share this with Mrs Vikmanis at our next after school meeting.
10th October 2016 - Challenge 1A
This afternoon, Mrs Vikmanis received an email to inform her that our eCadets have passed their challenge! This means they have been promoted to Superintendents. We are incredibly proud of you all, keep on teaching us to stay safe online.
8th October 2016 - Challenge 1A
Today, Mrs Vikmanis put together all of our photographs and evidence ready to be uploaded to eCadet headquarters. Pressing the submit button was nerve racking but it has been sent! We now awaiting feedback from Henry to see how we have done. Fingers crossed for us.
29th September 2016 - President, Vice President and Coordinator Meeting
Today we met to make plans for our next club meeting. We are very close to completing our first challenge. We will be putting finishing touches to our submission. We also looked at the next challenge and made plans to share this with everyone on Monday. We are looking forward to it. This webpage will now be updated by our President and Vice President as part of their role. Keep an eye out for their updates. Thank you for liking our tweets on Twitter too.
19th September 2016 - First After School Meeting
eCadets now meet after school once a fortnight to plan and carry out our new challenges. Today we spent time getting to know each other, understanding a little bit more about what eCadet club is all about. We also needed to vote for a President and Vice President. We followed the democratic process of candidates, speeches and secret votes. It was all very close, we would like to introduce our new Vice President and President, they feel very proud of themselves. Everyone has homework to write a sentence or two about themselves and why eCadets is so important and great to be part of. We look forward to sharing them.
15th September 2016 - New eCadets Selected
It was very hard to choose but we have now selected our new eCadets. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the application form, please try again next year. Congratulations to our new recruits!
9th September 2016 - Recruitment Meeting
Wow! 45 children from across KS2 attended our recruitment meeting. It was great to see so much interest. We only have 4 vacancies but Mrs Vikmanis will be contacting Henry to see if we can have 15 members. We are looking forward to looking through the applications next week. (Henry said yes!) Go eCadets!
September 2016 - Recruitment
We are returning to school which can only mean one thing...pupil leadership opportunities! Posters have been placed around the school and we are looking forward to the recruitment meeting this Friday.