Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328



Welcome to the Eastlands eCadets webpage.  eCadets is a pupil led programme that teaches children how to stay safe online.  Our eCadets get their own eCadet Zone, bursting with information and resources. They are set termly challenges through which they learn new online skills and disseminate the knowledge across the whole school community including their peers, school staff, governors and parents.

Visit the website for more information.

Meet our new e-Cadets team!


This page which keep you up to date with the work being done by our team.

14/03/2016 - Third Challenge - Create an online safety game

Over the half term holiday our eCadets were asked to complete some pre-learning in relation to their next challenge. They explored lots of ideas and formats for an online safety game and decided to follow the format of a traditional 'Monopoly' game (renaming it 'Cybernopoly').  The children researched organisations and providers of internet related services and ways in which we 'should' or 'should not' behave online.

Today they came together as a group to create their 'Cybernopoly' game using all of their ideas from their pre-learning at home.  They agreed on groups of 'properties' on the board that could be purchased, e.g. Internet Service Providers, Social Media sites, Child Safety Organisations and wrote a wide range of 'Chance' and 'Community Chest' cards which would cost players extra money for 'poor' online choices or add to their money for 'good' online choices or behaviour.

We are really pleased with our finished game which the children enjoyed playing at the end of their session.  We will be creating smaller versions of the game for all children at school to take home, enjoy and learn about online safety with their families.


09/02/2016 - Safer Internet Day - eCadets On A Mission!

The 9th of February is a very special day at Eastlands, it was Safer Internet Day!  The whole school worked to make the internet a safer place to be.  There were lots of different activities including stories about Webster and Smartie the Penguin, Lee and Kim and SID the Superhero, writing songs, designing board games, understanding the impact of cyber bullying and PEGI ratings!  

Our eCadets worked together on a mission with Mrs Corrigan and Mrs Vikmanis. Their brief was to create a set of rules for using the internet safely and share them in a short video. The pop artist, Roy Lichtenstein, was their inspiration for their art work.  They worked tirelessly throughout the afternoon and at 3pm, the video was ready!   We are very pleased to announce that they have been ‘promoted’ to eInspectors! They were also interviewed for eCadet Safer Internet Radio!

Thank you to the parents who came in to learn alongside their children and it was good to see that our safer internet hearts had been completed together.  Congratulations to everyone, together we have made the internet for our school and community and safer place.

12/01/2016 - News Flash! 

We are VERY proud to announce that we received news today that our eCadets very first challenge submission has been successful and they have passed! The school community is very proud of you all.  Take a look at their learning.

To view the Eastlands eCadet diary - click HERE

11/01/2016 - Challenge 1A Final Submission.

We have spent lots of our lunchtimes together and also some us have individually completed home learning.  Finally, our first challenge has just been submitted this evening! We have found a new space for our new notice board and transformed it.  We have discussed our acceptable use policy and we will be part of the rewriting of this for September.  Year 5 and 6 have taught their peers and their peers have made wordles for the display.  We have evaluated our learning and know what our next steps are.  As a team we have chosen wordles for our display that have informed our ideas for the final piece of learning, our online safety promise. Mrs Vikmanis has helped us to keep our school community up-to-date with our learning through Twitter and our webpage.  We now eagerly await eCadet head office to tell us how we have done.  Please cross your fingers for us! 

December 2015/January 2016 - First Challenge

For our first challenge,  our team will work together but our Year 5 and 6 eCadets will peer-peer teach. 

This is our challenge. Our mission is to:

Deliver the lesson plans to KS2 classes.

Ask peers to help to write the promise and ask other KS2 children about how they want to be treated online.

Use the circle time questions from the lesson plan to support the discussions.

Use the ideas to help you create a school online safety promise and share it with pupils and parents on your eCadet noticeboard.

Our Year 5 and 6 eCadets were fantastic.  Using the lesson plan, they delivered the lesson unsupported and created any resources they needed.  Year 5 made stickers to award to their peers for good contributions.  They will, alongside  the Year 3 and 4 eCadets, meet on Thursday to create their display, evaluate their learning and agree on an online safety promise using all of the ideas they have gathered.  Well done eCadets!

26/11/2015 - First eCadet Meeting

Today was a special day as our eCadets got together for their first eCadets meeting.  They shared their ideas and excitement with each other over lunch.  One of our eCadets has been researching his role and with the help of the eCadets Zone website, he put together his own PowerPoint to share, well done. They decided to accept the first challenge which is to write an eCadets online safety promise. Our 2 Year 6 children were given a 'mission' to go to talk to Mrs Corrigan to ask if they could have an eCadets notice board.  They were successful!  Next week they will be making a start on the display so they can share and inform others about their work.  To make sure everyone in KS2 is included in the writing of the promise, the team will be peer-peer teaching their class to ask for their ideas. A lot of exciting activities ahead.  Come back soon to see how they got on.


13/11/2015 - Special Announcement

Today we had a meeting with all the eCadets hopefuls.  We had 10 very excited children and 26 disappointed children.  The standard of the applications was incredibly high and selection was difficult.  We were going to have 8 eCadets but due to demand we have decided to have 10!  Congratulations to the 10 children and although 26 felt disappointed, there will be future opportunities and thank you for showing an interest in this new school pupil leadership opportunity.

Our new team received their eCadets badges in assembly.


10/11/2015 - Application Form Closing Date.

Today is the closing date for application forms and we have had over 35 forms returned.  We will be reading these carefully and we will let our successful candidates know asap.  Thank you to everyone who took time to complete the forms.

06/11/2015 - Recruitment Briefing Meeting

Today, Mrs Corrigan and Mrs Vikmanis met with 52 KS2 children to discuss the new leadership opportunity, eCadets. We are looking to recruit a group of 8 children.  They will be online safety experts and they will pass on their new knowledge to others in their class.   We are looking for commitment, a team player and passion!

Key requirements are: able to talk to the group, answer questions from members of staff and other children, a good listener, want to help others and keen to learn more about online safety.

Application forms were given out with a closing date on 9am on Tuesday 10th November.  We look forward to receiving them.



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