Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Kids In The Community

Have a read of our newsletters to see what we have been doing in our community.

Our JRSO team are back!  Have a look at their latest newsletter. 

Our newsletter for January 2023

6th October 2022

Welcome back to Kids in the community 2022 - 2023!   At the club yesterday, they took on their role of  Junior Road Safety Officers outside school.  Take a look at their newsletter. 

9th June 2022 

Our Kids In The Community group walked to St Peter and St John's Church after school today. They received a warm welcome from Peter.  Peter shared  his knowledge on the workings of the church organ, it was fascinating!  Thank you for allowing us to visit again.

17th March 2022

Our Kids In The Community Group walked to St Peter and St John's Church after school today.  They learnt about the Churchs history and planted seeds for the future!  Thank you for having us. 

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