Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Visits To Our School

We welcome visits to our school.

Thank you for your interest in visiting Eastlands Primary School, Rugby, Warwickshire.


We are a one form entry primary school assessed as Outstanding by Ofsted in January 2023.  Outcomes for our children in KS2 are significantly above average in reading writing and maths. Phonics is also a strength. 

We have increasing EAL (approx. 25% of whole school) & EHCP numbers (8%) and currently host an additional class in Upper KS2.

We have three options for school leaders and teachers who would like to visit us.

Option 1

We offer a series of 'open mornings' where teachers and senior leaders can take part in a tour of the school and have the opportunity to chat to us about any aspect of our work.  (Spotlight Sessions)

These usually run from 9.30 – 11.30am. 

There is no specific charge for this although we do request that visitors make a donation to school to contribute to resource cost such as staff cover, refreshment and utilities.

Option 2

Schools can request a half-day bespoke visit - this means we would agree a date that works for both of us where you can bring a group of staff for a school tour and a discussion on any aspect of our work that you are interested in.  If you would like to observe a specific lesson, then we can usually arrange the date to accommodate this. 

Note: there will be a charge for this option in order to cover the costs of staff cover.

Option 3

As Option 2, but schools can also book our conference room for the remainder of the day to work together with colleagues. The room has a large TV screen, which a laptop can be connected to, and kitchen facilities. A buffet will be provided if required.

Note: there will be a charge for this option in order to cover costs of the buffet and to release staff.

Ample free parking facilities are available.

Please can you complete the information below and then we will get back to you in due course with further details.


For further information about our school please visit our school website.


Booking form for visits to our school - Click HERE





Spotlight sessions offered include: -

  1. Leadership & Management – coaching focus
    1. Governance
  2. Focus on Pedagogy and curriculum.
    1. Reading and writing
    2. Maths
    3. Foundation subjects – STEM subjects, Humanities, Creative,
  3. Assessment for Learning
  4. EYFS
  5. Personal Development (including Equality and diversity)
  6. SEND
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