Religious Education
Intent We aim:
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Implementation In our Eastlands Community we recognise and value the increasing number of faiths represented from across the world. In our school, the curriculum hours for RE are non-negotiable. The RE lead supports staff in high quality planning and delivery of RE lessons through using Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus long term/medium term/short term planning frames. The RE leader regularly monitors planning and work within RE and then meets with the Headteacher to evaluate the provision provided in order to ensure teaching and learning is outstanding. Through the taught curriculum (Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus) we teach :-
Where necessary, staff will receive coaching and training in RE. Each year group will study a number of units over the year. The units are developmental, building on previous knowledge and experience and considering, the children’s age and understanding. At the beginning of each academic year, class profiles are shared for all classes. High quality teaching then responds to the needs of the children. Pupils will participate in events such as International Day and Interfaiths day. The use of visits and visitors in school will enhance the RE curriculum. Pupil voice is gathered after each unit taught and an assessment is completed for RE with tracking of specific groups. This data is then analysed along with monitoring evidence to plan the next term’s focus on the improvement of RE teaching. |
RE Subject Drivers
Impact Children of all abilities and backgrounds achieve well in RE, reflected in outstanding progress that reveals a clear learning journey. Children talk enthusiastically about their learning in RE and are eager to further their learning in the next stages of their education. Clear outcomes focus and guide all RE development plans and drive improvement. Through RE, children deepen their appreciation of all faiths. Through wider reading in RE and other linked areas e.g. assemblies, PSHE, children will know about Saints, how we can learn from their example, and historical religious events and develop their own personal identity. |
Useful Links
Learning In The Classroom
Click the image to visit the webpage.
Visitors and Events
21st September 2022 - Year 5 visit Coventry Cathedral.
Key Content - click image for Key Content Information
Virtual Tours - click image for tour of different places of worship
Christian Orthodox |
Buddhist Temple | Hindu - Mandir Temple |
Christian Baptist |
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Muslim - Mosque | Jewish - Synagogue | Sikh - Gurdwara |