Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

English - Reading

At Eastlands Primary School, we intend:

* for children to have the skills to decode words in order to be able to read fluently with understanding of what they have read.

 * for children to become enthusiastic and motivated readers

* to develop children’s confidence in reading a wide variety of genres and text types

 * to encourage a love of literature and an enjoyment of reading for pleasure

*  to use reading to provoke thought within children.



Our whole curriculum is shaped by our school values which aim to enable all children, regardless of background, ability, additional needs to flourish and become the very best version of themselves they can possibly be, through perseverance, setting themselves high expectations and taking responsibility for their own learning.

We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression as shown through each year’s Reading Key Performance Indicators. These ensure that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children.

At Eastlands we have a skills-based approach to reading using VIPERS skills within regular reading lessons. (Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explain, Retrieve and Sequence/Summarise).

In our school, our reading curriculum links closely with our writing curriculum; we use a text-based approach that enables us to create opportunities for reading, discussion and writing within English and reading lessons.

In early KS1, there is a greater emphasis on phonics through the rigorous and robust use of Read Write Ink; this is then applied throughout the rest of the school to consolidate what has been learnt. Within daily phonic sessions, children have the opportunity to revisit previous learning, practise and apply new skills in structured but engaging ways. Assessments are made half termly and children are restructured within the groups according to their phonics progression and needs.

Towards the end of Key Stage 1, when the children are deemed ready, we then introduce Accelerated Reader to frequently assess children’s reading ability, carefully match texts to their reading level and then through constant monitoring, ensure each child progresses at a rapid pace and achieves their termly Accelerated Reader target set in discussion with the class teacher.

We encourage reading for pleasure through children having a choice of challenging and enriching texts shared with the class, as well as building in time for children to read independently and as part of a whole class. All children have daily opportunities to read a variety of material in school in a variety of subjects, as well as including regularly reading with an adult.

English Subject Drivers 



Formative assessment

Formative assessment in Reading comes in the form of verbal or written feedback in line with the school’s Assessment and Feedback Policy.

Instant feedback is given verbally when a child reads 1:1 with an adult and weekly after Teachers monitor points and quiz scores progress on Accelerated Reader.

Summative assessment

Reading Assessments are made on a termly basis using a combination of teacher judgements using the year’s Key performance Indicators, Accelerated Reading data from the term, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 TAF’s and Reading test scores from the term’s PIXL Assessments. Follow up pupil progress meetings with the Head Teacher and feedback from the Reading Lead, support teachers with identifying any off-track pupils for future reading targets and interventions.


Provision for reading is monitored through lesson drop-ins, pupil discussions, and termly data analysis. Monitoring of Long-Term planning also evaluates the curriculum coverage in terms of National Curriculum objectives and breadth of coverage (different genres)

By the time children leave Eastlands Primary School, they will:

- have the skills to decode words in order to be able to read fluently with a secure understanding of what they have read

- be enthusiastic, confident and motivated readers who will enjoy reading a wide variety of genres and text types

- be inspired by literature and will read for pleasure.








Coming soon

Useful Reading and Phonics Websites

Click the image to view the website

Please see our AR presentation from our workshop on 10th October. 

Please click here to see our Phonics presentation from our workshop on 13th October. 

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