Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Curriculum Drivers


In order to achieve our Curriculum Aims, we have identified four “Curriculum Drivers” that are reflected through all topics and themes. Teachers’ planning ensures that these drivers run coherently across the school and through every subject. Curriculum Drivers should relate to the needs of our school, our pupils and our community.


Our four Curriculum Drivers are:

~ Our Place In Our World

~ Language & Oracy

~ Learning Skills

~ Personal Development

Our Place in Our World

We want our pupils to grow up with a secure understanding of the local community, our national context and the wider world. Through a growing appreciation of different cultures and traditions, we want our children to develop respect; we want them to embrace and celebrate diversity and know what it takes to be a good citizen. We also want our pupils to have an awareness of global issues and to take responsibility for the environment. Our curriculum helps our pupils to improve their understanding of how the world works as well as developing their morality whilst appreciating the importance of their role in taking care of our planet. Through links with local and national organisations, including businesses, cultural organisations and faith groups, we want our children to broaden their horizons and have experiences they may otherwise not have. We recognise that trips and visiting speakers significantly enhance this aspect of the curriculum.

Language and Oracy

Communication skills are vital for both success and confidence in many areas of life and therefore we want our pupils to develop the ability to express themselves clearly and effectively. We recognise that both listening and speaking are important when communicating and opportunities to practise and develop these skills are provided. We want our pupils to be able to offer their opinions and reason articulately whilst also being able to debate a topic or viewpoint and disagree respectfully.

We know that having a broad vocabulary aids both understanding of language and self-expression. Therefore, our curriculum is language-rich, involves the use of high-quality texts, promotes an inquisitive approach to language and provides opportunities to practise new vocabulary. We also recognise the importance of being able to express emotions verbally. In all areas of their lives, we want our pupils to have the skills necessary to have a voice. 

Learning Skills

Our curriculum provides opportunities for our children to learn in different ways and to have a wide variety of learning experiences. It enables pupils to develop as independent learners as well as being able to work collaboratively. We want our children to have a thirst for knowledge and to have the resilience necessary to tackle challenges and problems. We want our pupils to be prepared to take risks and to learn from their mistakes. We want them to be able to reflect on their learning, improving their own work through drafting and editing. Our curriculum enables children to develop into active learners who are positively engaged in the acquisition of skills and knowledge rather than being passive observers of lessons.  Above all, we want our children to grow into life-long learners and to have aspirations far beyond those they may have had if they had not attended Eastlands Primary School.

Personal Development

We recognise the importance of promoting healthy lifestyles in school and want our pupils to develop an increasing understanding of the many different factors that contribute to keeping healthy. Our curriculum provides opportunities for our pupils to learn about their physical health, what constitutes a balanced diet and about how exercise benefits the body. In addition, we want our pupils to have a developing understanding of how to maintain good mental health. Our curriculum, therefore, teaches an understanding of emotions, promotes resilience and encourages an open approach to discussing worries or concerns.

Our curriculum also includes opportunities for our pupils to learn how to keep themselves safe in all areas of life. An important element of this includes safety on-line and when communicating using technology.


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