Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Year 6 Leopards 2021 - 2022

 Mr Northedge and Mr Clements would like to welcome you to the Year 6 webpage.  Follow us on twitter @eastlandsschool

If your child is off school and they are well enough to learn, please use the Oak National Academy or BBC Bitesize.

Oak National Academy Learning at Home


If you would like a sneak peek at what our Year 6 pupils will be learning each week, why not click on the image to view our most up-to-date class timetable (Note: As we progress through the year, our units of focus will vary dependant on the topics being taught. Therefore, the hyperlinked document will be updated regularly). Year 6 Timetable



Please click the image below to view our Curriculum Year Plan  Please click the image below to view What children should know and be able to do when they leave Year 6

Our Curriculum Map

We're excited to start our Year 6 journey together. Journeys to new places and experiences benefit from a map: it gives us a sense of direction and some checkpoints to keep us on track. We'll be agile and flexible as the journey progresses, so you'll be able to see any changes to our map here


14th July 2022 - Our Leavers Disco!

What a night!  Fun, food, friends and dancing.  Have a look at our leavers disco.  Thank you to Eastlands PSA for organising the event. 

13th July 2022: Rugby Treasure Trail

Years 5 and 6 thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon exploring our local history on the Rugby Treasure Trail. There's so much to spot in places that don't normally catch our eye - a reminder to keep looking up (or down)!

5th July 2022: Sports Day
We had perfect weather conditions for a splendid morning of sporting camaraderie. It was lovely to welcome back parents and carers to watch the events in person. If you missed it, here's a gallery of images - sometimes blurry, but that's the nature of high-speed sports!

27th June - Radar Charts to Express a Growth Mindset

Radar Charts, Radial Graphs or Spider Diagrams are often used to communicate information, whether it's FIFA 22 skills comparisons or interpreting the weather. Year 6 used them to engage with where they'd like to grow over the next twelve months - just one other aspect of our developing Year 7 readiness. 

6th June - Ed Faulds Visit and Wright Track PE Coaching Session

EPS Magazine journalists sat down with local athlete and double gold medal winner Ed Faulds to talk about how he's made it to the top of his sport in his age category and where he's aiming to go next. You can visit our EPS Magazine site which includes links to the podcast (with intro and outro audio provided by Aiden, Jacob and Evayah) or watch the interview video below.



19/05/22  - Escape Room Maths

Imagine a scenario where two students have been tidying the PE storeroom but.... Click! The door locks behind them and their exit is blocked by a 9-digit security code. Well, thankfully that hasn't happened in real life, but this morning's Maths Escape Room challenge required children to collaborate to solve the puzzles and unlock the digits, drawing on every area of Maths. Rest assured, we did let them out at breaktime to recharge their batteries ready for part two! 

13/05/22 Bake Off!

Year 5 and Year 6 bakers joined forces to make this year's EPS Bake Off one of the best yet. Our Commonwealth Games theme prompted such high levels of culinary creativity that it was always going to be difficult for the judges to make a decision on the winners. But given that the children and their families get to eat the cakes at the end of the competition, they are all winners!

The photo gallery shows images from both Year 5 and Year 6 teams - and a few artistic shots of utensils with blurred backgrounds.

08/04/22 Coding Text Adventures

Mr Clements' childhood featured the ZX Spectrum game The Hobbit. Fast forward forty years and the current Y6 took inspiration from choose-your-own-adventure games and books to remix code to create their own escape rooms. You can try them out on our Purple Mash display board.

01/04/22 Hands on Science

Year 6 Leopards scientists enjoyed getting practical this morning as they investigated the Big Question: How does salt impact the freezing point of water? Planning an investigation like this involved teams deciding on equipment, method and identifying independent, dependent and control variables to ensure a fair test. Olly's prediction was based on his real-life experience of salt being used to melt ice on pavements. Hashini's team's results showed that "the more salt we added to the water, the colder the temperature of the water with the ice cube in it after 10 minutes" and then concluded that "I think more salt made the ice cube melt more quickly which passed its coldness into the water more quickly."

After the investigation, Year 6 watched a demonstration of how catalysts speed up chemical reactions, based on the Elephant's Toothpaste activity (which you could try at home - taking great care to use the right equipment - by visiting the Science Bob website or the BBC's Science Focus pages.)

23/3/22  Interactive Decimals

Year 6 Leopards thoroughly enjoyed getting outside for some fully immersive maths this morning, courtesy of Now Press Play. By honing their decimal skills, they saved their Mumbai home from a ruthless property developer.

17/3/22   Text Adventures

In Computing sessions, Year 6 creatives have developed interactive Adventure Stories for younger readers. You can select a story from our Purple Mash display Board and try for youself!

Blogging and Online Safety Project


As part of their Blogging and Online Safety unit, Y6 creatives have collaborated on their own Google Sites - with free rein to choose topics that interested them. You'll be able to read about Wombats, Cakes, Cats, Crystals, Pokemon... well, take a look at the variety of subjects for yourselves. Their projects are hosted on the Y6 Create // magazine website here:

Outdoor Skills Project:

This year Y6 Leopards are taking part in an onsite Outdoor Skills project on Friday afternoons. It has its own webpage here.

Year 5 and Year 6 would like to wish you a Happy Christmas

4th November 2021

In our PSHE lesson today,  we talked about who is part of our supportive network.  We learnt about how the emergency services, CEOP and Childline are there to help anyone who needs support with different situations.  Please watch the video below to see what happens when someone contacts Childline for support. 

Our Class Assembly - September 2021

Even though parents and carers were not able to come into school to see the work that we have been doing, we still wanted to share with you our learning about one of our school values - "RESILIENCE".

Please enjoy our assembly and our own stories of resilience, similar to Emma Raducanu.


Year 6 - Timetable

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