Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Year 5 Orang-utans - 2021 - 2022 

Miss Stonell and Mr Ellis would like to welcome you to the Year 5 webpage.  Follow us on twitter @eastlandsschool

If your child is off school and they are well enough to learn, please use the Oak National Academy or BBC Bitesize.

Oak National Academy Learning at Home
Please click the image below to view our Curriculum Year Plan Please click the image below to view What children should know and be able to do when they leave Year 5


Year 5 Timetable

To view our weekly timetable, please click the hyperlinked image below.

As with our curriculum map, this may change across the year so please do check to see what your children are learning each day.

23rd September 

Here is our proposed curriculum map for Year 5 (click the orangutan below to access). We have already been busy learning to understand 5 and 6 digit numbers in Maths and exploring the benefits of the environment in English and Geography as well as many other fun and exciting topics that we are studying this half term in different subjects.

As we explore and discover new topics, our curriculum map may change slightly, however, the document here should update with any changes so please do check back to see what we are studying each term (over the course of the year).

13th July: Rugby Treasure Trail

Years 5 and 6 thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon exploring our local history on the Rugby Treasure Trail. There's so much to spot in places that don't normally catch our eye - a reminder to keep looking up (or down)!

8th July 2022: Warwick Stonell Interview

As part of our Aspirations theme, Year 5 students interviewed Rugby-born Warwick Stonell, a soccer player currently studying in the USA at Southeastern Community College, Iowa. Warwick's answers gave us plenty of insights into how we can overcome obstacles, develop our talents and pursue our dreams. Enjoy listening to our podcast! For more interviews, visit the EPS Magazine.

5th July 2022: Sports Day
We had perfect weather conditions for a splendid morning of sporting camaraderie. It was lovely to welcome back parents and carers to watch the events in person. If you missed it, here's a gallery of images - sometimes blurry, but that's the nature of high-speed sports!

Year 5 are off to York!  If you missed the Parents and Carers meeting, have a look to see what Year 5 will be doing.

6th June - Ed Faulds Visit and Wright Track PE Coaching Session

EPS Magazine journalists sat down with local athlete and double gold medal winner Ed Faulds to talk about how he's made it to the top of his sport in his age category and where he's aiming to go next. You can visit our EPS Magazine site which includes links to the podcast and video footage of the interview.


26th May - Year 5 Drama Project - Macready Theatre Workshop 


Throughout the year, Year 5 students have collaborated with Rugby School 360 scholars to build their drama skills. The project culminated in a workshop at Rugby School's Macready Theatre - an opportunity to develop their stagecraft under the bright lights!

20th May - Computing - 3D Modelling

Using points view, net view, 3D view on 2Design and Make on Purple Mash, we have created our own designs for houses, log cabins and vehicles. We have learnt to use different pattern structures to turn a blank net into an ambitious and realistic design ready for printing and making. Click the image below to see our ever-updating Orangutans 2021-2022 display board of creations.

18th May - Young Voices

After months of preparation, displaying the resilience to overcome setbacks, the Young Voices performance finally arrived. The rehearsal at the arena is intense, but the children still had the energy and determination to enjoy every second of the show itself.  Feeding off the passion of the other performers - Urban Strides, The Beatbox Collective, Connie Talbot and Natalie Williams - our singers raised the roof as part of a children's choir of over 5000 voices.

We took a couple of video clips, but for the full concert re-run you can visit the Young Voices website for details on how to purchase the download. 

13th May - Bake Off!

Year 5 and Year 6 bakers joined forces to make this year's EPS Bake Off one of the best yet. Our Commonwealth Games theme prompted such high levels of culinary creativity that it was always going to be difficult for the judges to make a decision on the winners. But given that the children and their families get to eat the cakes at the end of the competition, they are all winners!

The photo gallery shows images from both Year 5 and Year 6 teams - and a few artistic shots of utensils with blurred backgrounds.

11th May

Thank you to those who were able to attend the "Young Voices" parents meeting. We are very excited to be able to go next Wednesday.

Click the image below to access the presentation that was delivered.

Please feel free to contact Miss Stonell via HSCBs if you have any questions regarding the information here.

4th May 

Olive and Olivia (our class Orangutans) have been assisting Mr Ellis with updating our writing display. We have created a class newspaper full of our Rooftoppers reports and some have also been chosen for our corridor display. 

"Books crowbar the world open for you" - Charles Maxim (Rooftoppers)

3rd May

We took advantage of the warmer weather and moved part of our maths mastery lesson to the playground. Practicing our reflections and translations without coordinates and a grid was a skill in itself but we managed it. Learning which way to move (left, right, up or down) depending on the x and y axis movement or making sure we reflected one another to accurately create a mirror image.

28th March 

Although we haven't reached the end of the plot yet, we have finished studying our text "Rooftoppers" in our English lessons. Our class reading time will now be dedicated to finishing this text.

If you have enjoyed "Rooftoppers" so far, click HERE for other ideas of books similar to this one, including others written by Katherine Rundell herself.

23rd March

Lots of Young Voices practise happening again as we prepare for our new concert date (Wednesday 18th May 2022 - save the date!) The lyrics and the moves have been learnt almost to perfection and Year 5 are sounding like a beautiful choir! We can't wait to get there and perform now!

17th March

Young Voices families can sign-up now to receive a free trailer and pre-order their downloads which will then be available the day after your concert. No more waiting for a DVD in the post!

Please click the image below (which will take you to the webpage) to sign-up to be first to find out when your video is ready:

8th March 

In our music lessons, we have been learning how to read sheet music and how this helps us to understand how to play the notes on the keyboard. Our genre for this half term (love ballads) has given us chance to listen to a variety of talented artists including: Adele, Lionel Richie, Tony Bennett and Bob Dylan. We have taken Adele's version (of the Bob Dylan original) of "Make You Feel My Love" as inspiration for writing our own lyrics and being able to play these with the notes from the sheet music.

3rd March

Happy World Book Day!

On our return to school after the break, it was fantastic to celebrate the world of literature and amazing authors both in lessons and in the evening! Our PJ and book reading evening was a huge success in Year 5! Lots of smiling faces, comfy clothes and even some book-themed anagrams challenges!

18th February

Today, we applied our research of secondary sources to our own primary data collection by experimenting with the effects of temperature change on states of matter. We observed how boiling water can cause solid chocolate to become liquid chocolate and (once mixed with rice pops to make our own cakes) how we can reverse this change by cooling them down in the fridge. Freezing was another change of state we observed when we created our own ice cream by hand as we could see, first hand, the liquid mix turning (although slowly) into a more solid state.

4th February

We have completed our topic on "The Highwayman" and have explored lots of unfamiliar language through narrative poetry. 

Click HERE for ideas of other poems or books you could read that have links or similarities to "The Highwayman" narrative poem.

Happy New Year!

What a busy start to the new year it has been in Year 5. Our drama workshops have continued and we have learnt how to use drama to develop our social and emotional skills through our interpretations of different fairytales. We have recognised that drama skills are crucial in developing our understanding of our relationship with ourselves and with others.

Year 5 Celebration Assembly

In the first term of Year 5, we have all worked incredibly hard but as individuals we have shone in different areas of our school life. Please watch our Autumn term celebration assembly to see the amazing work that has been produced and celebrated across the term. Well done Year 5! We are very proud of your positive attitude and determination this term! Keep it up!

Year 5 and Year 6 would like to wish you a Happy Christmas

6th December 

We enjoyed our visit to the church today to sing carols and listen to the Christmas story. Thank you to St Peter's and St John's Church for having us!

1st December

Our penultimate week of our drama workshop already! We are thoroughly enjoying the time to work in different groups - our confidence is growing each week and we are becoming more and more creative. 

24th November

BARvember has been brilliant in helping us with our addition and subtraction skills. We have been representing our calculations using bar models everyday throughout November. We are very much looking forward to next month being... Advent CalenBAR so that we can continue practising these skills!

18th November

In our PSHE lesson today,  we talked about who is part of our supportive network.  We learnt about how the emergency services, CEOP and Childline are there to help anyone who needs support with different situations.  Please watch the video below to see what happens when someone contacts Childline for support. 

16th November 

In History & English, we have started new topics which are linked together very well. In English, we are now studying the mythical tale of "Beowulf" and in History we have begun studying "The Anglo-Saxons". 

Click HERE for some ideas of other books that we could read that are recommended as links with Beowulf and Anglo-Saxons.

15th November 

Odd Socks Day!

Lots of odd socks to celebrate our diversity and individuality. A fantastic way to mark the beginning of Anti-Bullying Week 2021!

3rd November 

Year 5 welcomed some visitors from the Rugby School 360 Program this afternoon for the first of our drama workshops. We were introduced to a text linked to the myth of "The Sealskin" and we learnt how to use freeze-framing and thought-tracking to explore the themes and issues surrounding the text.


22nd October

We are very excited to find out what will happen to our main character 'Liam' in our English text 'Cosmic' by Frank Cottrell-Boyce next half term. 

Click HERE for some more ideas of books that are similar to 'Cosmic' and some other treats written by Frank Cottrell-Boyce himself.

20th October

Lots of geography skills going on in Year 5. Using ordnance survey maps and keys to find the places of interest for tourists in the Cambrian Mountains. Bringing real-life geography to the classroom was a challenge but we persevered and it was good fun!

18th October 

Now, Press, Play.

We had a fantastic time practising our french speaking skills using our "now, press, play" equipment. Lots of great pronunciations and acting involved as we solved a fictional crime using our powers as MI6 spies.

8th October

Today, we raised money for Coventry and Warwickshire Mind by wearing "Hats 4 Mental Health". We spent some time reflecting on how important our mental and physical health is and how we can make sure we look after our mind and wellbeing. 

Here we are smiling and wearing our hats, after enjoying some physical and mental activities in a game of "Endball" for our Real PE lesson.


30th September

Year 5 Parents and Carers, we welcome you (virtually) to our Autumn Term Class Assembly. We have been working hard to create poems, news articles and research, inspired by our first class text "The Promise" by Nicola Davies. We have linked these to our school values: creativity, ambition, resilience, responsibility, high expectations, perseverance, determination, positive attitude and respect.

(P.S. please turn your volume up so that you can hear some of us reading our work out).

We hope you enjoy!

20th September

Thank you to those who were able to attend the "Meet and Greet" last week. For those who were unable, please find below the presentation. 

Please feel free to contact Miss Stonell at school if you have any questions regarding the information here.

13th September

In English, we have been studying a book called "The Promise" by Nicola Davies and Laura Carlin. 

Please click HERE for ideas of other books which are similar or linked to "The Promise".


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