Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Year 2 Tigers 2017 - 2018

Mrs Goff  and Mrs Allen would like to welcome you to the Year 2 Class Webpage!

Time to say goodbye...

Thank you to those of you who were able to make our parent's information meeting. To view the Power Point please click here. 

For information regarding end of year Sats assessments please click here.

Please see below what we will be learning this term.

Autumn 1

Learning Challenge

What would Kamrita find exciting about Rugby?

Where could I take Kamrita on a visit to our town?

Why would Kamrita need a postcode to find my house?

How would Kamrita find a map to find his way to school?

What would appear on Kamrita's map of town?

How can we create pictures of special places in our town?


How will 5 a day help me to be healthy?

Why is it important for me to grow?

What is my sports X-Factor?

Why would it not be sensible for me to eat sweets every day?

Which fruits grow naturally in our country?

Which fruits provide opportunity for print work?

Where would we most likely find bananas, oranges and grapes growing?

English skills will be taught through these challenges and some of the texts we will be using are:

Oliver's Vegetables  by Alison Bartlett and Vivian French

Handa's Surprise by Eileen Brown

Handa's Hen by Eileen Brown

The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl


Maths topics covered:

  • Writing numbers up to 100 in digits and words
  • Adding and subtracting tens and ones using a 100 square, mentally using fingers by counting forward and back
  • Place value-understanding the meaning of tens and ones and their importance
  • Doubling ones and making links to multiples of ten and then 2 digit numbers
  • Halving shapes in different ways and numbers up to 100
  • Making links between halving and sharing into 2 equal parts (division)
  • Properties of odd and even numbers
  • Rounding numbers up and down
  • Instant recall of 2,5,10 times table
  • Understanding multiplication as repeated addition (e.g. 2+2+2+2=4x2)
  • Making links between multiplication and the inverse division
  • Fractions:1/2, 1/4, 3/4, 1/3, 2/3- shapes and numbers up to 100

Useful texts to support your child at home:

Product DetailsProduct DetailsProduct DetailsProduct DetailsProduct Details



Useful websites:


General information:

Image result for P.E. P.E.

PE Days are Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child has full P.E. kit (white t-shirt and black shorts) including pumps/trainers and jogging bottoms for outdoor P.E. Also, please remember that earrings need to be taken out on these days or provide suitable tape for covering the ears.

Image result for homework clipart Homework 

Homework books and spelling books will be given out on Friday and should be returned on or before the following Thursday. In the homework there will be a maths activity and sometimes another task. Additionally, spellings will be sent out in a spelling book for you to practise with your child.  Your child will be tested on these each Thursday in the back of their spelling book so you can see how they have done. The school expectation is that your child will read every day at home. Please make sure you sign the home school communication book  each day, as your child will receive a reward stamp for reading 5 times.


Please click on the link below for information about the year 2 National Curriculum.

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