Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Year 3 - Turtles

Mrs Warrington, Miss Haynes and Miss Huggins would like to welcome you to the Year 3 class webpage

Click HERE to read all about coming back to school. 

To you from us

13th May 2020


Hello Year 3!
We hope you are all well and staying safe. 
Year 4 and 6 have enjoyed completing a Maths arithmetic treasure hunt around Whinfield rec this week. If you would like to take part and answer the Year 4 questions around the rec, then here is the map to show you where each of the questions are located! Take a pencil and paper to do your working out...and happy hunting!' 
Miss Haynes & Mrs Warrington

Eastlands have  created a support network sheet for you to complete if you feel you would like to. It is made up of those people around you who look after you, help you when you have a problem, listen to you when you are talking, laugh with you when you have fun and make sure you are healthy and well cared for.  Who is part of your supportive network? Although you are not coming to school, we can still be there to support you.  With a grown up, can you make a supportive hand?  Click on the picture to download a hand. 

Click HERE for a parents guide. 

There have been big changes in our lives because of coronavirus, so the Children's Commissioner has created a children’s guide to coronavirus to help explain the situation. The guide aims to answer children’s questions about coronavirus, tell children how to stay safe and protect other people and how to help them make the best of their time at home. Click on the picture below to download the guide. This will take a few moments. 


2nd March 2020 - Super Learning in Year 3! 

Click the picture to view our celebration assembly. 

After the Christmas holidays in English, Year 3 will be reading 'The Twits' focussing on features of a play script, such as there are stage directions in brackets, new line every time someone new starts to speak and using different words instead of 'said' in the brackets so characters know how to act the line.  Children will be writing their own play script at the end of this unit based on the structure of 'The twits' play script. We will be encouraging the children to be using capital letters, full stops, new line for a new speaker, verbs in stage direction, brackets and colons. adverbs for telling us the tone of voice.

We will then be moving on to looking at fables, such as The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse, The Hare and The Tortoise, The Lion and The Mouse, The Fox and The Crow.  We will be thinking about how a fable is written and also discussing what the moral of certain stories are. Year 3 will be writing their own fable towards the end of this unit.

In Maths, our first unit is multiplication and division, followed by time and then fractions.

In Spring 1 our focus will be Geography, looking at the similarities and differences of an area in the UK and Southern Spain. Children will be learning about the different features of Britain including looking at what counties are and famous landmarks and rivers, in particular we will be focusing on London. We will also be exploring various landmarks in Spain along with the Canary and Balearic islands.

In Spring 2 our topic will be History, 'Stone age to Iron age', looking at late Neolithic hunter-gatherers and early farmers, for example, Skara Brae, Bronze Age religion, technology and travel. We will also be learning about Stonehenge Iron Age hill forts: tribal kingdoms, farming, art and culture.

In Science, our focus is 'Rocks and soils' where the children will be exploring different kinds of rocks such as Metamorphic, igneous, sedimentary and molten. Year 3 will also be looking at how fossils are formed, physical and chemical weathering and learning about similarities and differences between different kinds of soil.

We look forward to welcoming the children back after Christmas and would also like to thank parents for all their support over the first term and for all the lovely cards and gifts.

We hope you have a lovely Christmas and a happy New Year!!

Click the icon below to view the Year 3 curriculum map. 

We had a celebration assembly. Click the picture below to have a look at what we are brilliant at!

Black History Month in Year 3 

Please click HERE for the homework which will form part of our Black History month display. 

This half term in English, we will be having a big focus on the correct use of punctuation and encouraging the children to use fronted adverbials in their writing. Our class text for English is Roald Dahl's 'The Magic Finger' which all of our writing will be based on.


In Maths, we will be focusing on number sense and calculation strategies. We will be looking at place value- identifying, representing and estimating numbers in different contexts, recognising and using place value of 3-digit numbers in calculations. We will also be solving number and practical problems, including estimation and checking; add and subtract money to give change in pounds and pence.


In Science, our topic is Electricity where the children will be learning how to make a simple circuit, what materials make good conductors of electricity, electrical safety and why we need electricity.


In Topic, our focus is Geography this half term and we will be rainforest researchers investigating the South American rainforests. We will be looking at Brazil, who lives there, what the climate is like in this country compared to ours and identifying key features of a rainforest. Year 3 will also be researching how the rainforest feeds us and how people can survive in a rainforest.

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