Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Reception - Penguins


  Miss Haynes


 Mrs Ryan


Summer Term 2 2015

Prime learning challenge question


Was it once upon a mixed up time?


Subsidiary questions


What are the dangers in a house of straw?

Is it a good idea to make my house out of sweets?

Fairy Godmother, why did your magic stop at midnight?

Do you feel sorry for the big bad wolf?

A long, long time ago was there an ogre called Shrek?


Suggested texts:

Hansel and Gretel



Big bad wolf


Home learning:

Watch this link with your child and discuss whether ogres really exist!


Remember this term is Sports day! Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit on Friday 26th June. The event will start at 9am and will last an hour. Parents are welcome to come and cheer along! Please visit this page next week where there will be lots of photos from our Sports day!



Have a look at our fantastic Animoto of sports day.

Summer Term 1 2015

Prime learning challenge question


Are all minibeasts scary?


Subsidiary questions


Why does a spider need a web?

Do minibeasts have birthdays?

Why does a snail carry it's house around?

Why does a ladybird have spots?

Where did the butterfly come from?

Does a worm have legs?


Look at some of our learning so far about minibeasts:  




Spring Term 1 2015

 Prime learning challenge question


Who are the famous characters inside my books?


Subsidiary questions

Could you be a superhero like Traction man or Super Daisy?

Where are the wild things?

Is there any Room on the Broom for me?

Could you help the three Billy Goats Gruff get to the other side of the bridge?

Would you like to have tea with The Gruffalo?


Suggested texts:



The Jolly Postman (Janet Ahlberg)


Suggested websites to support this challenge:

Autumn Term 2 2014

Prime learning challenge question

Why is it always cold in the Winter?

Subsidiary questions

Are you as cuddly as Cuddly Dudley?

Where do animals go in Winter?

Where did the snowman go?

How can I keep warm?

Why can I see my breath?

Where does Father Christmas live?

Autumn Term 2 2014

Prime learning challenge question

Why are there so many leaves on the ground?

Subsidiary questions

Why do I know that it won't be hot and sunny tomorrow?

How can I create Autumn's colours?

How do I know that it is colder now than when I was on holiday?

Are all the leaves the same shape?

What happens to all the leaves that were on the ground?


Prime learning challenge question

What do I know about me?

Subsidiary questions

How am I the same? How am I different?

What makes a family?

Why do I look like I do?

What I like best is...?

Where in the world do my family come from? 

What can I do with my body?


Autumn Term 1 2014

Prime Learning challenge question

Is everybody's home the same?

Subsidiary questions

What is your home like?

What is a home like in the Arctic?

What can we do to be safe at home?

Who lives in a house like this?

What does every home have?

Who lives in a castle?

Suggested Texts:

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