Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Year 2 Rhinos 2016-2017

Mrs Goff Miss Magdij


Look at how Year 2 Rhinos contributed towards our school vision

03.04.17 - Paddox Methodist Church

Today, Year 2 were invited to the Paddox Methodist Church.  Together with the Church members, they retold the Easter Story.  A very lovely morning.

31.03.17 - Year 2 at Rugby Gymnastics Club

Today Year 2 returned to Rugby Gymnastics Club to continue to build on their skills.  Photographs will be added over the weeks so come back and look again soon.

Please click the picture below to access the PowerPoint from the KS1 Parents Maths meeting.

Learning Challenge 5 

Why do we love to be beside the seaside?

Subsidiary LC Questions:

Where do you go on holiday and why?

What attracts visitors to seaside resorts?

What do you notice about the coast and how is it different to your town?

What can we learn about lifeboats and lighthouses?

What was the seaside like in the past?

Can you create your own digital postcards?

What can you find in rock pools?



Science Learning Challenge 5

Where did that racket come from?

How important are our ears and how loud is your shout?

In how many ways do we depend on sound in our everyday life?

Can you write your own audio book using 'talking tins'?

How can you design and make a musical instrument  that can be played by others? 

How can you make a simple telephone?

Which instrument was used to make that piece of music?

Reflection: Children to set up a music competition for Year 3 when they have to guess which instrument/s was used for each piece of music.


Learning Challenge 4

Why were Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus brave?

Subsidiary LC Questions: 

What would we need to take with us on a voyage of discovery?

Who was Christopher Columbus and why do we talk about him today?

Who was Neil Armstrong and why do we talk about him today?

What would it be like to be a spaceman?

Who do you know that is famous and what can you find out about them?

Can you create a space painting or a painting of an old ship sailing on the sea?

Why would Christopher Columbus’s and Neil Armstrong’s voyages have been very dangerous?

How did Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong make our world a better place?

Reflection: What would you like to become famous for and why?


As part of learning challenge, we visited the Space Centre in Leicester.  We had a wonderful time and learnt so much.


Learning Challenge 3

Where would you prefer to live: England or Africa?

Subsidiary LC Questions

What are Ghanaian people proud of?

What are the main differences in the climate of Ghana and England?

Which animals would you find living in the wild in Ghana?

How can you recreate Ghanaian art?

Do Ghanaians live a healthier life than we do?

What would your school day be like if you lived in Ghana?

Can you recreate Ghanaian music?

Suggested Texts:

 Bringing the rain to Kapiti plain by  V Ardeena

The Leopard’s Drum by  Jessica Souhami

Learning Challenge 2

What was life like when the Queen came to the throne in 1953?

Our second Learning challenge will be a History topic.  

We will be finding out what it was like when the Queen came to the throne in 1953.  

During the first week back the children will have discussions about the Queen and what they would like to find out about life in 1953.  The questions raised in these discussions will help to develop the subsidiary Learning Challenge questions.


Suggested texts:

 Queen Elizabeth II's Britain: A celebration of British history under its longest reigning monarch 

Queen Elizabeth II: Level 3 (Usborne Young Reading) (Young Reading Series Three)

Product DetailsQEII We Love You: A Child's-Eye Celebration of Queen Elizabeth II

Famous People, Great Events: Becoming Queen Elizabeth II

The Queen

Our Science focus will be

What materials should we use to build a school?

We will begin by looking at different types of materials, begin to classify them and then discuss their uses.


Next week our Learning Challenge will lead us on to the following question:


What do you think Kamrita would find exciting about Rugby?

We will be looking outside at human features to aid our learning.



We are focusing on healthy living- thinking about food/diet, what exercise is good for us and to discuss what it means for us to be alive.

Product DetailsKS1 Science Year Two Workout: Growing & Staying Healthy (for the New Curriculum)



Your Body: Inside and Out: Food and Digestion

Science Made Easy Becoming a Science Observer Ages 5-7 Key Stage 1 Book 1 (Carol Vorderman's Science Made Easy)

Ways Into Science: Keeping Healthy


Autumn 1

Learning Challenge

What would Lanku find exciting about Rugby?

Where could I take Lanku on a visit to our town?

Why would Lanku need a postcode to find my house?

How would Lanku find a map to find his way to school?

What would appear on Lanku's map of town?

How can we create pictures of special places in our town?


How will 5 a day help me to be healthy?

Why is it important for me to grow?

What is my sports X-Factor?

Why would it not be sensible for me to eat sweets every day?

Which fruits grow naturally in our country?

Which fruits provide opportunity for print work?

Where would we most likely find bananas, oranges and grapes growing?

English skills will be taught through these challenges and some of the texts we will be using are:

Oliver's Vegetables  by Alison Bartlett and Vivian French

Handa's Surprise by Eileen Brown

Handa's Hen by Eileen Brown

The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl


Useful websites:


General information:

Image result for P.E. P.E.

PE Days are Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child has full P.E. kit (white t-shirt and black shorts) including pumps/trainers and jogging bottoms for outdoor P.E. Also, please remember that earrings need to be taken out on these days or provide suitable tape for covering the ears.

Image result for homework clipart Homework 

Homework books and spelling books will be given out on Friday and should be returned on or before the following Thursday. In the homework there will be a maths activity and sometimes another task. Additionally, spellings will be sent out in a spelling book for you to practise with your child.  Your child will be tested on these each Thursday in the back of their spelling book so you can see how they have done. The school expectation is that your child will read every day at home. Please make sure you sign the home school communication book  each day, as your child will receive a reward stamp for reading 5 times.


Please click on the link below for information about the year 2 National Curriculum.

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