Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

 Welcome to the Eco-Schools page 

Exciting news for the ECO team

On Thursday 16th July 2015 the ECO team were very excited to receive the news that we were winners in the National Grid 'Our world your planet' competition.  We were awarded £1000 for a new pond in the quad area!!

Throughout our ECO club last term we worked on our entry for the competition.  We applied for funding to bring a new habitat to the school (a pond with fish) by enhancing the quad area. We wanted each class to take responsibility for the care of the fish.

After the exciting news on Thursday Mrs Corrigan and Miss Jackson were accompanied by two members of the ECO team to Blooms Garden Centre (World of Water). We were all very excited as the pictures below show. We negotiated prices with Chris the shop assistant and had to do lots of Maths calculations to ensure that we could pay for it using our prize money. After a couple of hours spent working out and looking at different options of products we are excited to announce that the pond and fish have been purchased!! All of which will be set up and ready during the first term of the next academic year.


Congratulations to the ECO team for recently being awarded the GREEN FLAG award!!!


On receiving the Green Flag award the assessor was very enthusiastic about all the work that the ECO team and supporting staff had been involved with. she said " Eastlands primary has embedded the ECO schools directive into their curriculum, ethos and whole school culture which has taken them above and beyond the criteria for the Green Flag award. New members of the ECO team were very enthusiastic about the work that they do and how they are improving the outdoor environment. Support has been given by both SMT and Governors to support ECO leader in new initiatives."


From receiving this award the ECO team are now working hard on our next steps, our plan of action for this term at ECO club includes;


* Inviting a member from the TESCO distribution team to sit in on our ECO meetings

* Making sure new scrap books are made for display outside the office to show our new projects

* Reviewing the schools ECO code so it is user friendly from Nursery to Year 6 and that everybody can recite it

* Promoting a case study for the work that we are doing with the WWF to share with others


As you can see ECO club this term has lots of big and new exciting projects that we will be sharing with the rest of the school community.


Please see below the certificate we have been awarded below for the Green Flag award;

Thank you again for all the support and for the hard work of the ECO team on receiving this award




Find images below of our most recent work in ECO club. We have thought about our outdoor environment and how to improve it. We have begun turning over all the outdoor planters to make them ready for new and exciting things to grow!! We have thought about our friends from nature who might need shelter and around the school grounds have begun making hedgehog houses and observed how they have been used. The out side den is looking great and a real adventure area for children to explore and play in. Please enjoy our pictures and wait for more exciting things to come!!


At 8.30pm on 29 March 2014 millions will switch off their lights across the UK and around the world for Earth Hour. It’s a chance to look up to the stars and reflect on the one thing we all have in common – our brilliant planet. It’s also a chance to shine a light on the things we love and want to protect, from the lush rainforests of the Amazon in South America to the vast grasslands of the Mara in Kenya.

We will be taking part in this global event on 28th March 2014!

Welcome to our new Eco club who have already been busy making the outdoor area look amazing. In our first weeks we have emptied the planters ready for new and exciting things to be planted. We have also been busy making mud faces on the trees. So far we have had great fun and there is more exciting times to come!! See our photographs so far:

Congratulations to all @EPS!

We have been awarded The Planet Mark.

In 2013 the staff and pupils at Eastlands Primary reduced their carbon footprint by 15%!



Our Eastlands Eco-Code....

E is for Eco Schools

Andthat is what we are!

So we all will:

Turn off lights, taps and equipment not in use

Look after our wild life and school grounds

Always Reduce, Re-use and Recycle

Not waste water

Do our best to keep our school clean and tidy

Save Energy


If you want to find out more about Eco- Schools why not check out these websites. They have information, activities, games and lots more to help you GET GREENER!!


If you have any suggestions, ideas or would like to help us GET GREENER in any way, then why not pop into school and let us know or alternatively pop a leaf on our Eco-Schools Suggestions Board on the Eco Notice Board! (located outside the school office)






We have achieved our Silver Award and we are working very hard towards our Green Flag Award.



During the summer term 2013 we undertook a whole school learning challenge based on the

Eco Schools Agenda!

We explored our learning through the following...


Why do we need to save the planet?

How can our school/class save the planet?


Each year group then followed a line of questioning around the 9 topics.

Look at some examples of what we did!

Our Eco Committee


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