Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328



22/07/2016 - Time to Say Goodbye To Mrs Hegarty

The time has arrived very quickly that we say goodbye to our Interim Headteacher Mrs Hegarty.  Mrs Hegarty joined us at Easter for 1 term and is now returning to her previous school.  You will be missed by staff and our parents. Thank you to the parents who came into school to say goodbye personally.  We wish you well .

22/07/2016 - Time to Say Goodbye Year 6

It has been a busy week for Year 6.  On Wednesday, they had their leavers prom disco.  It was good to be with friends dancing, chatting, see how low can you go in the limbo game and tucking into a tasty BBQ made by our PSA.  Our PSA also present the children with their own pen and autograph bool so the children could record their messages of goodbye in a very special place.

This morning, the class performed their play to parents, family and friends.  There were a lot of tears from everyone.  Thank you to Mrs Warrington, Mrs Stonell and Miss Stonell for supporting the children to perform the fantastic play.  They have grown so much over the 7 years they have been at Eastlands.  We wish them well on their journey into secondary school.  Goodbye Year 6 2016.

21/07/2016 - Gold Award Afternoon Tea

This afternoon, 28 children joined Mrs Hegarty for cake and juice to celebrate receiving their gold award!  Many congratulations to one of our children who received a very special Governors Award!  Over 200 stamps earned, brilliant.

21/07/2016 - Celebrating Our School Year

This morning we celebrated our year at Eastlands Primary School.  We remembered all of the amazing events that have taken place over the year.  We remembered... Rotakids receiving their charter, sporting events, supporting local charities, firework poem and poster competition, Antibullying Week, Safer Internet Day, Wear it Pink and Children in Need.  All of our Christmas events, Young Voices, World Book Day, Mothers and Fathers Day lunch. And who can forget Eastlands Got Talent! We recognised our Anti Bullying Ambassadors and eCadets. We wanted to thank our volunteers and visitors, our PSA and our board of governors. We shared that we now have 688Twitter followers and we have tweeted 8800 times &counting!  Our website has been visited thousands of times too. And finally we celebrated Nursery and all of our classes.  Their animoto's have been added to the class pages.  Please visit them to see what they have been learning about.  View our Year at Eastlands Primary School animoto.

We congratulated our children who have received 100% attendance for the year! A fantastic achievement. 

We said thank you and goodbye to some of our staff.  We wish them well in their new adventures. 

18/07/2016 - Sports Morning

Today, the whole school took part in a morning full of sports. It was great to see everyone joining in and smiling. Congratulations to team U.K on receiving the most points.  Thank you to all the parents, family and friends that came to support the children.   Also thank you to the PSA for organising the refreshments. Have a look at our animoto below.


12/07/2016 - Transition Day

Today our Year 6 children went off to experience their new secondary school. Nursery and Reception children went straight into their new classrooms.  The rest of Eastlands met in the hall at 9.15 ready to find out which teacher and teaching assistant they would be with in September. We welcomed our new teachers and children. There was a real buzz of excitement and lots of 'yes' as the classes were announced.  Everyone stayed in their new classes getting to know each other until lunchtime.  We are all looking forward to September.

11/07/2016 - Cricket Competition

This afternoon, five of our Year 5 and Year 6 children took part in a local cricket competition.  They played very well as a team and encouraged each other.  Although they were one player short from their team, they were placed in 3rd!  A brilliant achievement, we are very proud of you all.

08/07/2016 - Campout at School.

Year 3 and 4 children were invited back to school to have a campout in the school hall.  This will give them a taster of being away from home before their residential visit in Year 5. About 45 children arrived at 6.30 in the PJ's and with their teddies.  During the evening, there were lots of activities to choose from including team games and hoola hooping.  The children had a drink and a snack before watching a DVD together.  As the night time drew in, children were able to star gaze through Mrs Meek's telescope, an amazing experience for many. Supper time and hot chocolate all round before settling down for a bedtime story and sleep.  Good morning everyone, rise and shine.  Time for Saturday morning cartoons and breakfast.  Rolling up sleeping bags was a challenge for many but everyone helped each other.  Time to go home.  Thank you to all the staff and helpers who supported this amazing event for the children.  Please see our animoto below.

08/07/2016 - Our ABAs visit Althorp, the home of Diana

As part of being awarded a Diana Award, our ABAs were invited to visit Althorp Estate, the home of Diana.  They had a wonderful time and it was good to reflect on the reason why Anti-Bullying Pro and The Diana Award charities were started. The children particularly liked viewing the island where Diana was laid to rest and the tour of the house.  The house was stunning and has a lot of history, including a ghost!  Our ABAs are and will continue to be Diana's legacy. Please view our animoto below.

05/07/2016 - Facebook London Showcase School  Premiere

Today, Mrs Warrington, Mrs Vikmanis and Mrs Stonell travelled to London to Facebook.  They were there to watch the premiere of the Showcase School that our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors had made.  Then the time had arrived to view the film. There were quite a few tears in the audience as they were so touched by our children.  Christopher Ecclestone (aka former Dr Who) presented the award to the staff on behalf of the children.  He was amazed at the work they have done to make Eastlands Primary School a happier place.  

On Wednesday, we had a special assembly to celebrate and share their work and achievements. Thank you to Anti-Bullying Pro and the Diana Award for the children's t-shirts, they think they are great! View their film below.

03/07/2016 - Sport Over The Weekend

Breaking news...One of our Year 6 pupils, Lewis, has achieved a personal best in high jump, jumping 1m 56 over the weekend. This ranks him 1st in the UK for the under 13 age group.  Also Lilly in Year 4 and Georgia in Year 5 took part in the Rugby Gymnastics competition today. We have just found out that India from Year 4 took part in her 1st synchro swimming competition with her squad and came 3rd in Warwickshire! Many congratulations from us all.

01/07/2016 - Eastlands Summer Fete

Roll up, roll up for all the fun at the Summer Fete! Today, the school community came together at our Summer Fete.  The stocks for some reason were very popular along with the refreshments.  Although we had a shower, in true Eastlands spirit, everyone enjoyed the stalls inside and waited for the shower to pass and it wasn't long before everyone was back outside enjoying the sunshine and the atmosphere.  Thank you to the PSA for organising the event.  Thank you the staff for helping out and the whole community for coming!

01/07/2016 - Rugby Primary Athletics Championships

Today, some of our KS2 children went to the The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Centre all weather track for the Rugby Primary Athletics Championships. They took part in both track and field events.  All of our children showed great sportsmanship and supported each other.  Some of our children were awarded medals for being placed in their event. These were presented by the Mayor of Rugby.   We are incredibly proud of all of our athletes, well done to you all. 

20/06/2016 - Fathers Day Lunch

Today we had some very special guests of honour for lunch, our children's Dads!  It was wonderful to see so many Dads join us for this very special occasion; there were lots of smiles.  Have a look at our pictures to see the good time had by all.

14/06/2016 - Filming for Showcase School Event

Over the last two days, we have been visited in school by Alex, Ellie, Steve and Ross from Anti-Bulling Pro.  Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have been recognised for the work they do to inform others about the importance of saying no to bullying behaviour. Ben Cohen from the world of Rugby, visited the children to see the work they have been involved in. It was a great experience for all and we are waiting to view the premier of the film at Facebook on July 5th.  Congratulations to our ABA's, a great achievement to be only 1 of 3 schools chosen.  We are proud of you all.  Have a look at the photographs and animoto to see what a fantastic 2 days it has been.

10/06/2016 - Our Queen's Birthday

Today at school we celebrated the Queen's 90th birthday.  At lunchtime, we had a street party picnic in the playground.  So many happy faces and everyone entering into the party spirit.  At 2.20, the whole school came together in the hall for a live link up with the Education Discovery Channel. They were broadcasting live from Windsor Castle and we learnt about the life of a very special Queen.  .

Have a look a our animoto to see how we celebrated together as a community

03/06/2016 - Summer 2

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday and it is going to be a very busy half term.  We will have our annual sports week including sports day, Anti-Bulling Pro will be visiting to film our ABAs for a showcase event and phonics screening will take place in Year 1.  Year 4 will be visiting Warwick Castle, Fathers will be invited for lunch, Year 6 will be off to Skern Lodge and there will be the Summer Fete.  And of course,  our Year 6 children will be saying farewell to Primary School.  To get up to the minute news, follow us on Twitter @eastlandsschool.

05/2016 - May Sporting Events

Over the month of May, our children have been taking part in local sporting events. Congratulations Year 6 for great team spirit at the rounder's competition. They came third in the group, well done!  Our Eastlands Hotshots basketball team took part in a tournament. They all played brilliantly and had a fantastic time. Good sportsmanship from all players, well done.  Also some of our  Year 3and 4 children were amazing at the Quadkids athletics competition.  Well done to everyone. 

26/05/2016 - Year 5 Learning Challenge Sharing

This afternoon, Year 5 parents were invited into school to share their children's learning about Brazil.  They were treated to music and dancing.  Year 5 also wanted to arrange a cake sale to raise money to support the street children in Brazil.  They are very pleased an proud to announce they rasied over £90.00!  Thank you to everyone who contributed cakes and brought them!

26/05/2016 - Musical Assembly

This morning we were treated to a special musical assembly. Ms Jones who comes into school to teach some of our children recorders, brought along some of her friends for a musical extravaganza!  Everyone in the hall was mesmerised and moving to the rhythm. Our Year 3 children shared what they having been learning in their lessons with their parents and the school.  Also children from Years 5 and 6 shared their musical ability.  Well done to everyone and thank you Ms Jones and her friends.

25/03/2016 - Rev Shelia Bridge

This morning we welcomed Rev Shelia Bridge into our assembly.  Sheila is from our local church, St Peter and St John.  Shelia told us some fascinating facts about our Queen.  There will be a very special community event on Saturday June 11th.  There will be a fancy dress and a home made crown competition.  All of our community are invited along.  Thank you for coming to see us.

23/05/2016 - Mad Science

We had a brilliant Mad Science Assembly this morning learning about Fire, Air and Ice.  The whole school really enjoyed it.  Some of our KS2 classes were lucky to have a special lesson looking at amazing science experiments. Year 6 learnt about chemical reactions, they started with a volcano. Then they went into the playground to test exploding pots, they stood well clear of the pots. Then they tried to stick a wooden skewer through a balloon, it is possible! Do you know how? Thank you for coming to teach us Science in an amazing way!

20/05/2016 - Anti-Bullying Professionals Conference

Two of our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors team travelled to London for the annual Professionals Conference.  Lewis, who is also part of the Youth Board and Mrs Vikmanis, who is a Regional Staff Champion, were invited to Barclays HQ at Canary Wharf.  It was a very early start but there was a lot to look forward to.  They listened to many inspirational speakers including Carrie Grant and Katie Buckingham.  In the afternoon, Lewis was invited onto the stage to share his year as an ABA both at school and as a member of the Youth Board.  The room was full of adults and Lewis spoke with maturity and passion about the difference he feels he has made over his 2 years at school and his year on the Youth Board.  Well done Lewis, you have had a great year and we are sure you will become a mentor in time to come.  Lewis and Mrs Vikmanis have very nearly completed their year in their posts and have both thoroughly enjoyed their responsibilities.

19/05/2016 - Summer Disco

The evening has finally arrived and everyone felt very excited...the summer disco! Reception and KS1 were dancing to some great party tunes and then KS2 came to show the adults how it is done.  So many happy faces and good to see friends together.  Thank you to the PSA for organising the event as a fundraiser for school.  Thank you also to the volunteers and staff who also supported the event. 

13/05/2016 - An Exciting Announcement

We are finally able to reveal our very big news... Last year we applied to be an Antibullying Pro Showcase school but we were unsuccessful. But we didn't give up and we applied again this year and we have been informed that we have been successful! As a showcase school our ABAs will be filmed and their learning will be shared across the UK and the world! We are incredibly proud of the whole team and we look forward to seeing you in front of the camera in June! Thank you for your messages of congratulations on Twitter.  Come back soon to see how the preparations are taking shape. 



12/05/2016 - A Very Royal Visit!

Today, after SATs, one of our Antibullying Ambassadors had a very special visit to make.  Lewis travelled to London where he met HRH Prince William at Kensington Palace! There he discussed  what he has been doing for Antibullying here at Eastlands with the other ABAs as part of the Youth Board. Congratulations for being chosen to go and what a fantastic opportunity to share your passion to stamp out bullying, we are very proud of you! Read Lewis' account of the day HERE


01/05/2016 - Community Event

In honour of the Queens 90th birthday, our community will be celebrating!

29/04/2016 - BIG NEWS

Today we received an email informing us of something very special.  We are looking forward to sharing it very soon with the Eastlands Community!  Come back to read all about it.

25/04/2016 - Anti-Bullying Ambassadors Celebration

3 of our ABAs unfortunately were not able to come to Birmingham to collect their Diana Award because of ticket numbers.  We wanted them to feel as special as the other 7 ABAs so we held a special celebratory lunch.  Congratulations to you, we are proud of you. 

22/04/2016 - Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

Today, 7 of our 10 ABAs travelled to Birmingham to the CBSO centre.  They attended INSPIRE Birmingham to receive a Diana Award. The Diana Award is awarded to courageous, caring, compassionate young people, transforming the lives of others in the name of Diana, Princess of Wales. Diana Award holders share a deep sense of social responsibility. Whatever they are doing, they have one thing in common, a desire to make a difference and improve the lives of others. Our ABAs have been recognised for the fantastic work they have been doing for the last 18 months at Eastlands and also for informing the community through social media of their work.  Unfortunately 3 of our ABAs could not be with us but we will be celebrating their achievement in school.  Come back soon to see what the group get up to.  They have already saved the date for a whole school Kindness Day on Friday 10th June.  Congratulations to the whole team.  The school is very proud of you all. View their work below.

05/04/2016 - Summer Term

I would like to take this opportunity to say how happy I am to be part of the EPS community.

A great way to start the summer term.

I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to the aspirations of the children and I know that the staff here will work tirelessly to support their achievement.

I will be around in the school hall this evening and tomorrow, so pop along and say hello.

Karen Hegarty

03/04/2016 - Summer Term

Welcome back to school and the Summer Term! We would like to welcome our interim Head Teacher, Mrs Hegarty, to Eastlands. We will be very busy over the next few weeks.  We look forward to seeing parents in school for learning review meetings this week. There are planned visits to Brandon Marsh, The Coventry Transport Museum and the Seaside! We will be visited by Heritage Warwickshire and  Past Productions to bring our Year 5 and 6 learning challenges to life. Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors will be busy too.  Our Youth Board member will be visiting London at the weekend for a Youth Board meeting and the group will be receiving their Diana Award in the next few weeks.   Follow us on twitter @eastlandsschool for up to the minute news and keep coming back for updates! 

18/03/2016 - Easter Holiday

We would like to wish all our children, families, friends and staff a very happy Easter break.

18/03/2016 - Mrs Corrigan's Last Day

Today is a very sad day at Eastlands.  We said a final farewell to our Head Teacher, Mrs Corrigan.  Her office was full of flowers, gifts and cards which shows how much she will be missed. Mrs Corrigan sent a message to our community on our newsletter.

Dear Parents,

In my final newsletter to you as Headteacher of Eastlands Primary School I would like to thank all members of the school community who have provided support and encouragement over the last eight years. Every success achieved over the years has been the result of our combined hard work. I would particularly like to thank those people who have taken the time to write to me and send cards and gifts to thank me for my work in school and wish me well for the future.

It has been an absolute privilege and pleasure to work with you and I am genuinely sad to be leaving this wonderful school community. I have worked here for eight years and so it is no doubt the right time to move on and face new challenges. There is much to do if we wish to preserve an education system in which we can all share and of which we can all be proud.

Eastlands is a very hard place to leave. It represents the very best of school communities, with children full of character and potential. I really appreciate the support I have received from school staff who have shared the same deep commitment to the care and achievement of all our children. They are an extremely dedicated, nurturing and caring team of professionals for a headteacher to work with.

It matters greatly to me that Eastlands continues to improve but especially that it continues to put care for children's well being and happiness first among all its priorities.

I would like to wish all our children and families the very best of luck for the future. I would like to leave you with the words of two famous people:

"When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts". (Dalai Lama)

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." (Nelson Mandela)

Yours sincerely,

Mrs J Corrigan


It was a very busy final assembly with Stars of the Week, Sparkly Writers, Sports Awards, Competition Winners and more. Mrs Corrigan was awarded a certificate from eCadet Headquarters for her commitment to the eCadet team. We wish you well for your future. Thank you, you will be missed.

16 &17/03/2016 - KS2 Residential Trip to London

Over the last couple of days 40 children from Key Stage 2 have thoroughly enjoyed their first experience of a West End Musical. We packed lots into our two days including a visit to see the Queen and The Science Museum. The staff and children thoroughly enjoyed the overnight stay at the Chessington Safari Hotel.  The children were impeccably behaved.  Thank you to the staff who accompanied the children on this visit. We have been overwhelmed by the messages of thanks from parents:

"What a great school trip, thanks so much for organising it! Our two are still buzzing & singing Matilda songs!"

"Thanks for arranging such a great trip. Our son hasn't stopped talking about it since he got back !"

"Thank you to all the staff who attended the Matilda trip. Photo updates were fab and my two loved the whole experience."

"Thankyou to all the staff for taking care of our children on their amazing trip to London!! They absolutely loved it ."

"Wow what a trip!!! Thanks to all the staff for looking after everyone so well hope you all enjoyed too? Our daughter had a blast."

"Thanks to all the staff involved with the London Matilda trip. Our daughter had an amazing time and is buzzing!"

"Thank you so much to all the staff who took the children to see Matilda. Our son said it was "magnificent"!!

"Thank you so much for such a wonderful trip and keeping us up to date with your tweets! Our son has had a great time!"


15/03/2016 - Thank You and Good Bye Mrs Corrigan

This afternoon we celebrated Mrs Corrigan being our Head Teacher since 2008.  We revisited everything Mrs Corrigan has brought to Eastlands over the last 8 years.  Thank you to the staff for organising a very apt assembly and to the parents who came to celebrate too. Take a look at our animoto, you will be very surprised at everything that has happened.

15/03/2016 - ABA Diana Award

We have received notification this week that our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have been nominated for and won a Diana Award for our school. This is a fantastic achievement and testament to the hard work from our ABA’s past and present and staff who have worked with them. We are delighted to announce that representatives from the group/school have been invited to accept the Diana Award at INSPIRE Birmingham on Friday 22nd April.

The prestigious Diana Award is awarded to courageous, caring, compassionate young people, transforming the lives of others in the name of Diana, Princess of Wales.

We are very proud to have received this award for the second time.


14/03/2016 - eCadets Challenge

Our e-Cadets recently completed their third challenge as a group, supported by Mrs Corrigan and Mrs Vikmanis.  The challenge required the children to design an online safety game, which they began researching over the February half term holiday. This week we spent a morning converting their ideas into a large scale ‘Cybernopoly’ game and submitted our evidence to eCadet headquarters.

We are pleased to announce that our eCadets passed the challenge and have been promoted to e-Chief Inspector. Congratulations to them all!



14/03/2016 - Feedback following an Educational Visit

Please find below a letter received following the recent Y5 educational visit to Birmingham Botanical Gardens. It shows the positive impact our children have on the community when they are representing our school. Well done!


12/03/2016-  Warwickshire Cross Country

Today, two of our Year 6 boys were representing the Eastern area in the Warwickshire Schools Cross Country Championships. It was going to be a great event to watch our children compete in. Both boys showed great teamwork and we are very pleased and proud to announce that they finished 2nd and 4th in the whole of Warwickshire! And great news for Eastern Warwickshire who won the team shield. Congratulations!  We are very proud of you both, well done! Great to see support from the families and Mrs Corrigan and Mrs Warrington. #teameastlands.

04/03/2016 - Mother's Day Lunch

Today we provided a great opportunity for our Mothers to share a special lunch with their children. The school staff worked incredibly hard as a team to take bookings, organise seating arrangements, decorate and prepare the hall for the event, cook more 'hot meals' than they normally do on a Friday and most of all ensure maximum enjoyment of the event by our children and parents. We received an overwhelming amount of positive feedback in relation to this event.

"Lovely food and great company. The flowers on the table was a lovely touch."

"Lovely food and great service. It's a lovely treat to spend time with our children at school. Thanks to all for organising, appreciate the effort. (We really like the cake!)"

"Lovely thank you. Very nice to be able to have dinner with the children."

"Yummy cake! Thanks for making Mother's Day that bit more special."

"This is  lovely thing to share with the children. Great food."

"Delicious - a lovely meal and a lovely event. Thank you!"

"Delicious - a very tasty meal, really enjoyable, thank you very much."

"Very delicious meal and a beautiful frosting on pudding."

"It was very nice. The meat was lovely and the chocolate cake was gorgeous."

"Such a lovely experience to have my lunch with my daughter, the food was brilliant. Thank you."

"Was so lovely to come in and eat with my son, a real Mother's Day treat."

"Lovely meal and lovely idea. Very much enjoyed the experience. Thank you."


Thank you and 'Happy Mother's Day'.

03/03/2016 - World Book Day

Today at Eastlands, we celebrated everything that is great about books!  Our children came dressed to really impress, so many different characters. It was fantastic to see so many children return in the evening in their PJ's and carrying their teddy to listen to bedtime stories with their teacher.  Thank you to the Eastlands PSA for providing the hot chocolate and biscuits! Also thank you to everyone who donated, we will be sending the money to Book Aid International. Have a look at our animoto to see all of the great costumes. 

25/02/2016 - Cross Country

Last night two Year 6 boys participated in the second of three Eastern Area cross country races which was held at Knightlow Primary School.  The boys ran a superb race and finished in 2nd and 3rd positions. Congratulations to them both!  We now eagerly await the third neighbourhood trial in March to find out whether they have been selected for the Eastern Area team who will compete in the final.


11/02/2016 - Eastlands Got Talent

The evening had finally arrived, it is time for Eastlands Got Talent!  The hall quickly filled up with parents, friends, staff and governors. The children waited nervously in the classroom making their final adjustments to their costumes, hair and make up! Finally time to get the show on the road, JD from Free Radio arrived to compere the evening and introduce the judges; The Mayor Councillor Richard Dodd, The Mayors Mother, Simon Buckingham from Rugby Youth for Christ and Jake Harding (aka Amanda Holden!)  Their buzzers were ready and the first act took to the stage.  We watched so many different acts including singing, dancing, comedy, magic, cups, guitar, keyboards, recorders and even a harp recital! The judges found it very difficult to choose the winners.  Congratulations and thank you to all of the children, you were fantastic.  Thank you to JD for introducing everyone and entertaining the crowd.  Thank you to all of the judges.  Thank you to the parents for supporting Eastlands and helping to prepare the children.  Also thank you to Mrs Corrigan for organising the whole event.  Thank you to staff for joining in and not minding being buzzed!  Tonight really shows that Eastlands Primary School really does have talent. You can view all of the acts of our YouTube channel 

09/02/2016 - Safer Internet Day

Today at school we worked together to make the internet a safer place to be.  Nursery listed to a very special story all about Webster and he helped the children to stay safe.  Our reception class met Smartie the penguin.  Smartie received a laptop for his birthday and got into trouble online.  He needs to remember, 'before you click, click, click, you need to think, think, think and tell someone!' KS1 watched 'Animal Magic' and enjoyed SID our super hero saving the day.  They learnt some great lyrics and moved to the SID song. KS2 took part in various activities including designing a game, writing a song, understanding the impact of cyber bullying and PEGI ratings!  Our eCadets worked together on a mission.  Their brief was to create a set of rules for using the internet safely and share them in a short video. View their learning below. They also appeared on eCadet Safer Internet Radio! Thank you to the parents who came in to learn alongside their children and it was good to see that our safer internet hearts had been completed together.  Congratulations to everyone, together we have made the internet for our school and community and safer place. 

01/02/2016 - Eastlands Got Talent
The auditions have now taken place for our second performance of Eastlands Got Talent. We are pleased to announce that we have 22 acts performing a range of talents, on Thursday 11th February at 6pm, from across the school. The judges and compere have been confirmed and we look forward to another fantastic evening to celebrate the talented children from within our school. Information about tickets for this event is available on our letter to parents webpage. 

Coming soon.....  On Tuesday 9th of February. Eastlands will be celebrating Safer Internet Day.  Each class will take part in activities to compliment our online safety learning.  Parents are invited into school at 3pm to share the children's learning and create a wish for the internet for the #shareaheart campaign.  We look forward to seeing you. 

18/01/2016 - Neighbourhood Cross Country Trials

Two of our Year 6 boys competed in the first (Binley Woods School) of three neighbourhood trials today to see whether they could be selected for the area cross country competition later in the year.  They ran approximately 2400 metres alongside boys from a range of other schools.  I am pleased to say that they finished in 1st and 3rd positions overall.  This is a fantastic achievement and we hope that they build upon this excellent start in the remaining events and hopefully go on to represent our area in the final later in the year.  Well done boys!


15/01/2016 - Rugby Firework Poster and Poem Competition

Today in assembly, 2 of our children were awarded prizes because they had won a Firework Safety Poem and Poster Competition. Warwickshire County Council’s Trading Standards and Fire and Rescue Services organise the annual competition to help warn children about the dangers of fireworks. Children are asked to design a poster or write a poem that will help warn children and young people about the dangers of fireworks.There was a  great response to the competition this year, with over 1000 children taking part. Each winner received a £10 book token and a visit to a fire station. Their poster or poem will also be used as part of the November 2016 campaign.  We are proud of you, congratulations! 

11/01/2016 - Young Voices Concert

What a fantastic start to the week!  Our school choir performed among a choir of 8000 school children, at the Genting Arena, to celebrate 20 years of Young Voice Concerts.  The performance included: Transport of Delight, Get Loud, The Gospel Train, The Lightning Tree, Utter Madness, Invincible, Video Killed the Radio Star, Somebody to Love, Pop Medley 2016 and River Deep Mountain High. It was fantastic to be conducted for the 18th year by David Lawrence (Young Voices).  We attended the first of 15 nationwide concerts.

It was another fantastic opportunity for our children who were watched by their families in an evening performance.

 Take a look at the positive feedback from our families:

"Wow! What an evening!  I just wanted to say a huge thank you to the teachers involved.  My daughter takes on most things with a big smile but this was on another level!! She absolutely loved it (as did we).  Thank you all for making it so much fun for them. As my dad said, what an opportunity to be a part of something like that."


"WOW! What a fab evening, well done to the @ choir and all at the @ tonight, you were ace!"


"@eastlandsschool thanks for giving my son & the children this amazing opportunity. Brilliant. Sad it's his last year. They all sounded amazing. Lovely tribute to David Bowie too."


"@ Thankyou so much for taking Josiah & Kelilah to @ they had a fantastic day. We loved it too!! </div>
<div id=


09/01/2015 - Welcome back! 

Happy New Year to the Eastlands community!  It was good to see the children return on Tuesday with smiles, feeling refreshed and ready to learn!   We have a lot coming up...Year 3 Greek Workshop Day,  Young Voices Performance,Year 5 Residential visit, Eastlands hosting SWGFL E-safety Live event, Safer Internet Day, Eastlands Got Talent!  Follow us on twitter @eastlandsschool for up to the minute news and keep coming back for updates! 

14-18/12/2015 - The last week before Christmas.

It has been a very busy week...pantomime visit, 3 whole school performances, Christmas dinner, Christmas crafts, EYFS Nativity performance, Christmas jumper day and a visit from Father Christmas!  View parts 1, 2 and 3 of our animoto photograph slideshows to see just how special this week has been! 

December 2015 - A month of sport

WOW, what a busy sporting month December has been. It started with our Year 6 biathlon team. They arrived at the Queens Diamond Jubilee Centre and were excited about the competition ahead. It was the swimming event first. They were incredibly supportive of each other during the 25m swim. Swimming over, the next event was the 400m run and our biathlon team needed to make sure they looked their very best! They ran their fastest and we await the results of the biathlon competition against 6 other schools A fantastic morning, well done.

Next it was the turn of our Year 5/6 team competing in the indoor athletics area final at Harris Sports Centre. It was a great team effort from them all and they were placed 5th.

Then another team of Year 5/6 children were ready to take part in a Tag Rugby Premier Sport competition. They warmed up together and had an essential team talk. Another excellent result... they were awarded 2nd place.

Finally it was time for our Year 1/2 gymnastics team competing in the Premier Sport competition. As soon as they arrived at the competition they began warming up. A quick team talk from Mrs Corrigan and they were ready to go. They tried their best with their floor routine and they were consistently good with their vault. Then there was the nervous wait for the results. It was announced that our team had won the competition! Many congratulations.

Take a look at our animoto below for all the action!

07/12/15 - Anti-Bullying Ambassador Special Event

Today in Birmingham, HRH Prince William visited Birmingham.  His visit was to support the charity the Diana Award to raise awareness of identity based bullying.  One of our ABA's Lewis was fortunate enough to be invited to take part in this exciting event.  The day was to help young people to appreciate the issues of diversity and difference.  HRH took part in an activity which encourages young people to celebrate what makes them different! Lewis has had a once in a lifetime day and we look forward to hearing all about it. Take a look at our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors webpage to read Lewis' diary of his day and view more of his photographs. 

03/12/15 - Year 6 Maths Competition Update

Today we received an email from explore learning.


We have just received the results for NYMA round two from our Head Office, Eastlands scored high however the children just missed out on the final!

We are all gutted, the children worked extremely well and were fantastic ambassadors for the school.

Thank you so much for getting involved and we look forward to working with Eastlands again in the future.

See you for the presentation assembly

 All the best


Great to hear that they are fantastic ambassadors for our school. We are very proud of our four Year 6's. A fantastic achievement.



28/11/15 - PSA Christmas Disco

It is official, Christmas is on the way!  Tonight at school, we welcomed the whole of the Eastlands community to visit our Christmas Fair.  There were traditional games, buzz wire, knock the nose off the snowman and splat the turkey!  Face painting, the tuck shop and the kitchen were very busy!  Father Christmas and his elf visited too! It was great to see so many people dancing on the dance floor and really enjoying the atmosphere.  Thank you to the PSA for organising the event.  Thank you to our families who contributed to the amazing hampers for the raffle.  Thank you to staff and parents for helping out.  Another successful event to help our children.

13/11/15 - Children in Need

If you came to Eastlands today, you would sure be in for a big surprise!  Teddies and spots everywhere! Our children made a contribution to come dressed in spots. There were some fantastic outfits including pyjamas and home made spotty t-shirts!  We even spotted Pudsey joining in with Fred and children in a Read Write Inc phonics lesson with friends.  The kitchen staff and Mrs Corrigan were very busy in the kitchen preparing Pudsey cupcakes and biscuits, they were delicious, thank you! At lunchtime, more teddies joined us for a special teddy bears picnic!  Paddington in particular had a huge smile on his face!  We are pleased to announce we have raised over £250.00 for disadvantaged children.  Many thanks to the school council for arranging the event everyone who supported us.

12/11/2015 - Year 6 Maths Competition

Today 4 of our Year 6 children travelled to Sainsburys to take part in a maths competition! Our team were going to use their maths knowledge and skills to work as a team and communicate solutions.  Our mathematicians warmed up their brains on games before the competition started. Their first challenge was to find the first five centred squared numbers. Challenge 2, can all of our team members explain their reasoning? By the end of challenge 3, they were confident of their team work skills, it was being observed throughout each challenge. During challenge 5 and 6, they were still working incredibly hard. Then it was pencils down at maths challenge! Looking forward to finding out the results soon.


11/11/2015  - Children's University Graduation

Today, 6 of our children had a very exciting evening as they graduated from the Children's University. The Children’s University is an International charity which encourages all children aged 5 to 14 years to try new experiences, develop new interests and acquire new skills through participation in innovative and creative Learning Activities outside of the school day.  The ceremony included Warwickshire county girls choir, a welcome from Warwick university as well as presenting awards. We listened to an inspirational talk from Dr Kevin Moffatt,Principal Teaching Fellow,Life Sciences. The time arrived for 160 children to graduate by completing a total of 40190 hours on top of their school day. The hours are a combination of school lead clubs and learning destinations across the country. It were so pleased to see their smiles and they particularly enjoyed the traditional throwing of the hat. A great experience for all including yourselves, your parents, staff and the chair of governors.  We look forward to next year!

11/11/2015 - Remembrance Day

Today at 11 o'clock nursery and school stood in silence to show respect and remember.  Year 4 are thinking about ways to remember in RE so they visited the gates of Whitehall park to see the poppies that had been laid on Sunday. 



11/11/2015 - Infant Agility

Today 30 of our children from Year 1 and 2 travelled to Harris School Sports Centre to take part in the Infant Agility games.  There were 3 teams and the children worked well together giving it their all.  We are proud of all of the children who were placed 4th, congratulations to you! Go Eastlands.


06/11/15 - Rotary Club Dictionary Presentation

It was fantastic to welcome the members of the Rotary Club into our achievement assembly today.  They presented each Year 5 child (and Miss Horner) with a dictionary to use for their education at Eastlands and beyond.  Thank you to them for funding this opportunity for our children for another year.

04/11/15 - PSA Spooky Disco

This evening, our school hall was transformed into a Spooky Disco! It was great to see so many children dressed up as their favourite spooky character.  Glowing bracelets and tuck were very popular.  The candy floss was huge and tasty too!  Thank you to our PSA for organising the event and thank you to the staff who attended and grooved on the dance floor. 

02/11/2015 - Fundraising for our community

Throughout the month of October we have been busy planning events to raise money for charities within the community:

Air Ambulance: During October we asked each class to fill up an empty milk bottle with cash to help keep our local air ambulance flying and saving lives. We raised a total of £244.24 to help save lives across Warwickshire, Northamptonshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland.

‘Wear it Pink! Day: The School Council invited everyone to come to school dressed in pink!  They also organised a pink themed cake sale at break time and raised a fantastic £320.87.

Rugby Foodbank: Thank you to everyone who donated an item from the 'shopping list' to provide emergency food for people in need which have been identified by care professionals (eg. doctors, health visitors and social workers).  We had an overwhelming amount of items from the shopping list donated as part of our Harvest celebrations!

Thank you to everyone who supported these events.


22/10/2015 - Eastlands Rugby World Cup

Over the last week, Years 5 and 6 have been working together to learn about the Rugby World Cup.  They have learnt about the history, the countries involved and how to play the game.  The week ended with their very own Rugby World Cup Tournament.  Have a look at the animoto to see just what they have been up to!

21/10/2015 - BREAKING NEWS

Children you need to put your thinking caps on because Eastlands Got Talent 2016 is been planned right now!  Due to the huge success of last year, #EGT2016, will be happening in our school hall. JD from Free Radio is coming back to compere the show too!  He was fantastic last year. Information about auditions will be available soon.  Watch this space!



21/10/2015 - Dodgeball Competition

Today a group of Year 1 and 2 children went to St Matthews Bloxham after school.  They had been selected to take part in a Premier Sport Dodgeball competition.  The results were drew 2 and won 3. You were all fantastic and you never gave up.  We are very proud of you all.  Thank you to the staff and parents who went along to support and cheer our children on. #extremelyproudofyou

19/10/2015 - Football Competition

After school, a group of Year 3 and 4 children and Year 5 and 6 children, travelled to St Matthews Boxham school.  They were ready to play in a Premier Sport football tournament.  Both teams played with skill and determination.The final score was Year 3/4 3rd place and Year 5/6 2nd place.  Congratulations to you all ,we are very proud of you.  Thank you to the staff and spectators for your support. 

16/10/2015 - School Council Campaign, Wear It Pink!

Today during our achievement assembly, our school councillors launched their new campaign, wear it pink day! On October 23rd, our school community will be invited to wear pink for the day in return for a 50p donation. Every year, wear it pink raises around £2 million during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, by asking people to wear something pink and donate money. Since the very first wear it pink event in 2002, they have raised over £27 million thanks to the generosity of many thousands of people taking part. They use the money raised to fund world-class research, by the brightest scientific minds, across the UK and Ireland. Together, they are working to discover how to prevent breast cancer, how to detect it earlier and how to treat it effectively at every stage. The school council will also be running a cake stall. They would really appreciate your support with their campaign.


09/10/2015 - Rotakids

Today during our achievement assembly our Rotakids became chartered by the Rotary Club for Great Britain. Rotakids is an exciting way for our KS2 children to lead and engage in important, lively activities that will make a positive difference in our school, in their local community and globally. Rotakids is sponsored by The Rotary club of Rugby Saturday Breakfast and it is chartered through RIBI. Our Rotakids meet once a fortnight and their campaign currently is to fill shoe boxes for children less fortunate than themselves. The group has recently elected a President, Secretary and Treasurer. Many thanks go to Pauline, Tony, Marion, Margaret and the others who volunteer to run the group with the children.

13/09/2015 - Back to School

Welcome back to all of our children and parents and carers.  Welcome to all of our new children who have joined us in different classes, Reception and Nursery. Also welcome to our new staff (have a look on our meet the staff page.)  We have already been very busy.  We have had a special Mad Science assembly and a celebration assembly.  Mrs Corrigan and one of our ABA's have been featured in the local press and on social media.  Mrs Corrigan for her shortlisting for a Digital Hero Award and Lewis for being selected to represent young people on the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors Youth Board.  We have a lot to look forward to over the next few weeks so come back and read all our news and visit the class pages to keep up to date.

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